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Run to the Top Podcast | The Ultimate Guide to Running

Podcast Run to the Top Podcast | The Ultimate Guide to Running
RunnersConnect : Running Coaching Community
Running podcast to motivate and help runners of every level, speed, and age run their best.

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5 de 748
  • Unfinished Business: How to Embrace the DNF
    Lots of runners fear the DNF (Did Not Finish) but you don’t have to. On today’s show, Cory and Hayley discuss why you should embrace the DNF. In this episode we talk about: When to consider a DNF Why pro runners DNF so often in races How to get back to the finish or back home if you DNF Adjusting your running goals after a DNF Overcoming mental challenges like anxiety and disappointment when a run doesn’t go as planned Why embracing the DNF can help you to perform better in races After months of training you may understandably feel disappointed or frustrated with a DNF.  We’re here to tell you that embracing and maybe even planning for the possibility of a DNF will help you to come back stronger. Listen to the show to find out how. Connect, Comment, Community Follow RunnersConnect on Instagram Join the Elite Treatment where you get first dibs on everything RTTT each month! Runners Connect Winner's Circle Facebook Community  RunnersConnect Facebook page GET EXPERT COACHING AT RUNNERSCONNECT! This week’s show brought to you by: Lagoon Lagoon specializes in making pillows designed specifically for runners and athletes to help them optimize their sleep and recovery. Their sleep quiz pairs you with the perfect pillow for you based on sleep position, body size and more. And the data on sleep improvement isn’t only from research papers. Using her whoop device, US Olympic Trials marathon qualifier Caitlin Keen saw her deep, restorative sleep increase by 52 minutes when she switched to a Lagoon pillow.   If you want to see the dramatic affect a pillow designed just for you can be, head to lagoonsleep.com/top  Then take their awesome 2 minute sleep quiz that matches you with the Lagoon pillow that’s perfect for you. Plus, if you use the code TOP at checkout, you’ll also save 15% off your purchase.  SlumberCBN There’s no denying that sleep is one of the most powerful factors to upgrading your overall health and running performance. We all know it by now, but sometimes no matter how well-intentioned we are; getting good, quality sleep doesn’t come easy. Sometimes you can’t get your mind to relax, other times you toss and turn all night. One way or another, it all leads to poor quality sleep. That’s why we’ve partnered with Slumber, the leader in science-backed sleep supplements using CBN. CBN is a hemp-derived melatonin alternative which promotes rest, relaxation, and sleep. And it works. In a recent 2024 study, participants who used Slumbers Deep Zzzs CBN Gummies for 30 days reported significant improvements in time to sleep, got 72 minutes of extra deep, and reported waking up 1.5 less times per night on average. What I love most is that you can mix and match different formulations to specifically address your goals or your own struggles with sleep. If you want to see the research and learn more about how these amazing CBN gummies can help improve your sleep, head to slumbercbn.com/runnersconnect Plus, this link will get you 30% off. Again that’s slumbercbn.com/runnersconnect
  • Running Data Decoded: How to Use Common Performance Metrics to Maximize Your Training
    It can be overwhelming trying to make sense of all the data on your running watch but understanding how to use this data in your training can be a game-changer. In today’s show, we’ll focus on how you can use this data to your advantage and answer questions like: What are the most valuable running metrics to pay attention to? What are these metrics calculated and what do they actually mean? How accurate is the data from your running watch or other running accessories?  What is a data-driven approach to training and why you may benefit from this strategy? What are some specific examples of ways to adjust your training based on common running metrics? Is there such a thing as tracking too much data? Measuring your progress will let you learn what works for you to maximize your training. Previous podcast discussing the most important training data: https://runnersconnect.net/running-questions/most-important-data-to-look-at-after-your-run/   Connect, Comment, Community Follow RunnersConnect on Instagram Join the Elite Treatment where you get first dibs on everything RTTT each month! Runners Connect Winner's Circle Facebook Community  RunnersConnect Facebook page GET EXPERT COACHING AT RUNNERSCONNECT! This week’s show brought to you by: MAS Iron Outside of training deficiencies, low iron is one of the most common reasons for poor results during workouts and races.  Recent research indicates that almost 56% of male runners and 86% of female runners suffer from an iron deficiency that severely hampers performance. The problem with eating iron-rich foods or supplementing with traditional iron supplements is that iron is notoriously difficult for the body to absorb and utilize. In fact, only about 25% of dietary iron found in animal sources is absorbed while 17% or less of the iron from plant sources is absorbed. But MAS Iron has found a way to combat these absorption issues to ensure you can get the iron you need for health and performance. By combining the most efficiently absorbed form of elemental iron with clinically proven ingredients to aid in absorption, MAS Iron performs like no other iron product on the market. In fact, clinical research has shown the combination of ingredients in MAS Iron can quadruple absorption and increase bioavailability by 30%, all while reducing GI issues by 50%. Check out the research and the results for yourself at masedge.com/iron. Runnersconnect fans will automatically save 20% on any purchase. MetPro Using Metabolic Profiling, MetPro’s team of experts analyzes your metabolism and provides an individualized approach to obtaining your goals.  Your MetPro coach then works with you to consistently make adjustments based on your metabolic data as well as how your plan fits your lifestyle.  MetPro’s coaches are not only educated experts in their field, but they’re empathetic that people have demanding schedules and often stressful lives. They will work one-on-one with you to identify the best nutrition and fitness strategy that is going to work for your personal goals and lifestyle needs. Get a complimentary Metabolic Profiling assessment and a 30-minute consultation with a MetPro expert at metpro.co/rttt
  • Mileage in the Bank: Can you Really Run More Now to Make up For Missed Runs Later
    What if you could take a long break from running and not lose any fitness?  The theory is simple; train harder now so that you have mileage “banked” for later when you might be training less.  We’ll look more closely at whether this could be an effective strategy with topics including: Why mileage matters for building aerobic fitness How long it takes to lose fitness during a break from training What is supercompensation and whether it helps you to hold onto fitness longer Whether it matters how you spread mileage across a training cycle or if it’s only the total volume that counts Whether banking mileage is an effective strategy that you should consider adopting  Don’t let a break eat into your fitness and find out if you can really bank fitness beforehand. Supercompensation training: Supercompensation Training: Learning from Elite Runners - Runners Connect Fuelling Blueprint: https://runnersconnect.net/fuel Connect, Comment, Community Follow RunnersConnect on Instagram Join the Elite Treatment where you get first dibs on everything RTTT each month! Runners Connect Winner's Circle Facebook Community  RunnersConnect Facebook page GET EXPERT COACHING AT RUNNERSCONNECT! This week’s show brought to you by: Lagoon Lagoon specializes in making pillows designed specifically for runners and athletes to help them optimize their sleep and recovery. Their sleep quiz pairs you with the perfect pillow for you based on sleep position, body size and more. And the data on sleep improvement isn’t only from research papers. Using her whoop device, US Olympic Trials marathon qualifier Caitlin Keen saw her deep, restorative sleep increase by 52 minutes when she switched to a Lagoon pillow.  If you want to see the dramatic affect a pillow designed just for you can be, head to lagoonsleep.com/top Then take their awesome 2 minute sleep quiz that matches you with the Lagoon pillow that’s perfect for you. Plus, if you use the code TOP at checkout, you’ll also save 15% off your purchase.  Previnex Joint Health Plus Joint Health Plus from Previnex is clinically proven to reduce joint pain, joint stiffness,and improve joint flexibility in 7-10 days.  In fact, it is clinically proven to be up to 5 times more beneficial than glucosamine and chondroitin alone or in combination. I saw immediate results when I started using Joint Health Plus and that’s why I reached out to Previnex to see if we could put together an offer for you guys. If you’re suffering from joint pain or simply want to get a jump start on protecting your joint health as you get older, head to runnersconnect.net/joint and use the code RTTT15 to save 15% on your first order.
  • Chipotle x Strava: The City Challenge - Motivating Runners One Burrito Bowl at a Time
    Chipotle Mexican Grill has partnered with Strava to motivate runners across the globe with free burrito bowls and we’re speaking with Vice-President of Brand Marketing, Stephanie Perdue, to find out more about this unique challenge. During the interview we chat all about the City Challenge, including: How runners competed to earn free Chipotle for a year Why participating runners get so competitive  How challenges can add excitement and motivation to your training Results and fun stories from the latest edition of the City Challenge Whether you can expect to see more opportunities for earning free burrito bowls To hear about this one-of-a-kind event, be sure to listen to today’s episode. Socials: Instagram: @Chipotle X: @chipotleTweets City Challenge Press Release: https://newsroom.chipotle.com/2025-01-02-CHIPOTLE-X-STRAVA-PARTNERSHIP-GOES-GLOBAL-INTRODUCING-THE-CITY-CHALLENGE-IN-25-MARKETS-TO-KICK-OFF-2025   Other City Challenge Instagram Content: San Francisco Rallies around challenge  @chipotlechasers_sf Tempe, AZ tough competition Connect, Comment, Community Follow RunnersConnect on Instagram Join the Elite Treatment where you get first dibs on everything RTTT each month! Runners Connect Winner's Circle Facebook Community  RunnersConnect Facebook page GET EXPERT COACHING AT RUNNERSCONNECT! This week’s show brought to you by: MAS Iron Outside of training deficiencies, low iron is one of the most common reasons for poor results during workouts and races.  Recent research indicates that almost 56% of male runners and 86% of female runners suffer from an iron deficiency that severely hampers performance. The problem with eating iron-rich foods or supplementing with traditional iron supplements is that iron is notoriously difficult for the body to absorb and utilize. In fact, only about 25% of dietary iron found in animal sources is absorbed while 17% or less of the iron from plant sources is absorbed. But MAS Iron has found a way to combat these absorption issues to ensure you can get the iron you need for health and performance. By combining the most efficiently absorbed form of elemental iron with clinically proven ingredients to aid in absorption, MAS Iron performs like no other iron product on the market. In fact, clinical research has shown the combination of ingredients in MAS Iron can quadruple absorption and increase bioavailability by 30%, all while reducing GI issues by 50%. Check out the research and the results for yourself at masedge.com/iron. Runnersconnect fans will automatically save 20% on any purchase. The Race Fueling Blueprint Did you experience what it was like to hit the wall at your last race? Or maybe you're running your first half, full or ultra and you fear what that dreaded wall looks like? Well, what if I told you there was an exact, scientifically-researched formula to calculate exactly how much glycogen, water and electrolytes you personally need to guarantee you don't hit the wall? That’s exactly what we give you with our Race Fueling Blueprint. The blueprint allows you to simply enter your data (like your weight, goal time and current fitness and then we calculate YOUR exact, specific fueling needs during the race More importantly, the Blueprint then provides an actionable, easy-to-follow prescription for how to practice, carbo-load, taper and execute your exact racing nutrition strategy. Plus, the calculations can factor in any food preferences or sensitivities, whether you’re a heavy or light sweater and even what type of gels and fluids you prefer to use. And with the kick off to the spring racing season, we’re offering our patented Cramp Prevention Program as an added bonus to the Blueprint. The Cramp prevention program is a first-of-it’s-kind strength program specifically focused on training your body not to cramp during long races. So, if you're tired of hitting the wall or cramping during your longer races, we'll provide you with everything you need to get through your next race strong. Get yours here to runnersconnect.net/fuel
  • Race Your Way to Fitness: How to Effectively Build Racing Into Your Training Program
    There’s no better preparation for race day than another race but the key is understanding how to schedule your races so that it enhances your training rather than getting in the way.  We’ll cover racing topics today that include: What separates a goal race from a tuneup race or other races in training How racing more can make you better prepared for your goal race How to pick the right race that fits in your training Whether you need to taper when racing in the middle of a training block How far apart your races should be from other races or hard workouts Why you might not want to give your full effort at every race If you want to know how to make racing a more regular part of your training routine then make sure you listen to today’s show. Tune-up Racing Blog: How to Incorporate Tune-Up Races into Your Training - Runners Connect Connect, Comment, Community Follow RunnersConnect on Instagram Join the Elite Treatment where you get first dibs on everything RTTT each month! Runners Connect Winner's Circle Facebook Community  RunnersConnect Facebook page GET EXPERT COACHING AT RUNNERSCONNECT! This week’s show brought to you by: Lagoon Lagoon specializes in making pillows designed specifically for runners and athletes to help them optimize their sleep and recovery. Their sleep quiz pairs you with the perfect pillow for you based on sleep position, body size and more. And the data on sleep improvement isn’t only from research papers. Using her whoop device, US Olympic Trials marathon qualifier Caitlin Keen saw her deep, restorative sleep increase by 52 minutes when she switched to a Lagoon pillow.   If you want to see the dramatic affect a pillow designed just for you can be, head to lagoonsleep.com/top  Then take their awesome 2 minute sleep quiz that matches you with the Lagoon pillow that’s perfect for you. Plus, if you use the code TOP at checkout, you’ll also save 15% off your purchase.  SlumberCBN There’s no denying that sleep is one of the most powerful factors to upgrading your overall health and running performance. We all know it by now, but sometimes no matter how well-intentioned we are; getting good, quality sleep doesn’t come easy. Sometimes you can’t get your mind to relax, other times you toss and turn all night. One way or another, it all leads to poor quality sleep. That’s why we’ve partnered with Slumber, the leader in science-backed sleep supplements using CBN. CBN is a hemp-derived melatonin alternative which promotes rest, relaxation, and sleep. And it works. In a recent 2024 study, participants who used Slumbers Deep Zzzs CBN Gummies for 30 days reported significant improvements in time to sleep, got 72 minutes of extra deep, and reported waking up 1.5 less times per night on average. What I love most is that you can mix and match different formulations to specifically address your goals or your own struggles with sleep. If you want to see the research and learn more about how these amazing CBN gummies can help improve your sleep, head to slumbercbn.com/runnersconnect Plus, this link will get you 30% off. Again that’s slumbercbn.com/runnersconnect

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Running podcast to motivate and help runners of every level, speed, and age run their best.
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