This is a journey into the heart of Afrocuban dance, culture, and spirituality. Each episode explores the rich traditions, powerful rhythms, and deep connection...
Papito Chango: Buscando el entendimiento en la danza y en la tradición Yoruba
Hoy, Alfredo le da la bienvenida a PapitoChango, graduado como bailarín y profesor de danzas folclóricas en la Escuela Nacional de Arte ENA. Dueño de Bailar Cubano en Hamburg. Babalawo practicante con mas de 20 años de experiencia.
PapitoChango nos habla sobre la importancia de aprender los fundamentos tanto de la danza como de la religión, los cuales son primordiales para nuestro crecimiento.
Su misión es inspirar a las personas a buscar el conocimiento, el entendimiento y la sabiduría mediante la filosofía de Ifa. Nos inspira a buscar la verdad que se esconde detrás de nuestros bailes para así encontrar la conexionarme con nuestra esencia.
Conecta con Alfredo en su pagina y descubre toda una biblioteca visual sobre las danzas afrocubanas.
Unveiling the Essence: The Roots of Afrocuban Dance
In the very first episode of Essence of Afrocuban, we dive into the vibrant history and cultural significance of Afrocuban dance. Discover how this art form embodies the soul of a people, connects us to ancestral traditions, and continues to inspire dancers worldwide. Whether you're a seasoned dancer or simply curious about the rhythms of the diaspora, this episode sets the stage for an enriching journey into the heart of Afrocuban culture. Join me as we explore the essence of the movement, music, and stories that make it timeless.
This is a journey into the heart of Afrocuban dance, culture, and spirituality. Each episode explores the rich traditions, powerful rhythms, and deep connections that shape the Afrocuban experience. From uncovering the history of Afrocuban movement to insightful interviews with dancers, musicians, and spiritual practitioners, this podcast celebrates the art form as a living expression of identity, community, and spirit. Whether you're a dancer, practitioner, or just curious about the Afro-diasporic roots of Cuban culture, I invite you to deepen your connection to this vibrant tradition.