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Ouça 一席英语·脱口秀:老外来了 na aplicação
Ouça 一席英语·脱口秀:老外来了 na aplicação
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Podcast 一席英语·脱口秀:老外来了
这档节目-目的是跨文化。 国际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。

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  • 老外来了|外国主播最喜欢的中国传统节日是……
    主播:Maelle(法国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:High Hopes今天,梅莉和Selah要聊一聊她们最喜欢的中国传统节日。端午节 Dragon Boat Festival这是梅莉最喜欢的中国传统节日。因为去年错过了赛龙舟,梅莉说:I missed the chance to see a dragon boat race last year, and I was so sad.梅莉非常喜欢端午节的“粽子”,the process it takes to make them is so interesting (制作它们的过程非常有趣).春节 Chinese New Year春节是Selah的最爱之一。“I love its fun traditions, the fireworks, the festive atmosphere, and of course, the food!”Chinese New Year has so much to offer. 春节有太多可以期待的东西!It’s also so fun because everyone has time off from work and school. 每个人都会趁这个机会回家团聚,就像美国的圣诞节一样。It’s a time for family reunions (家庭团聚), reflecting on (回顾) the past year, and looking forward to a fresh start (期待着一个新的开始).还有红包!Kids get so excited to receive red packets. Selah哪怕现在已经成年了,依然是非常喜欢这个传统。Selah也非常喜欢动手包饺子。Selah每年都会和朋友们一起包饺子。 “It’s one of my favorite parts of the celebration—it feels so hands-on (动手的) and special.”梅莉也很喜欢包饺子,尽管她现在已经不在中国了,她现在依然会自己包饺子。“All my friends here think it is so cool, and I get to teach them how to make dumplings too!” 她的外国朋友觉得包饺子很酷,梅莉还经常教他们包饺子。It is a really fun activity to do together. 而且,在这个过程中,还可以和他们分享中国的文化。中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival这是Selah第二喜欢的节日。It’s such a lovely time of year.Selah很喜欢月饼,她最喜欢的月饼口味是red bean paste(红豆馅)和lotus seed filling with salted egg yolk(莲蓉咸蛋黄馅)。梅莉喜欢的月饼口味:salted egg yolk(咸蛋黄馅),以及cheesecake(芝士蛋糕味)。The atmosphere is magical, especially when you see people gathering outside to admire the moon (赏月) together.聊到赏月,梅莉和Selah想起了在中国上学时学到的关于月亮的诗,藏在他们脑海深处的记忆被挖出来了:床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。请留言告诉我们:你们最喜欢的中国传统节日是什么呢?欢迎在评论区分享!
  • 春节特辑 | 听外国主播分享她们的春节记忆
    主播:Maelle(法国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Steal the Show春节就要来了,梅莉和Selah和大家分享一下,她们眼中的春节。一谈到春节,Selah和梅莉喜欢得不行,她们直说:it’s always so vibrant (充满生机) and joyful (喜气洋洋)!梅莉和Selah分别喜欢春节的什么呢?梅莉:I always loved seeing all the decorations around the city and everyone being excited to celebrate. 我很喜欢春节的一点是所有人都穿红色,因为我很喜欢红色。Red is such a vibrant color, and it’s everywhere during Chinese New Year—it makes everything feel so festive (很喜庆)!|孩童时的梅莉在敲大鼓Selah:I love seeing Spring Festival couplets (春联) on the doorways, especially when people write them by hand. 它让每条街道都充满了年味。梅莉和Selah都特别喜欢春节的氛围。It’s like the entire city transforms (焕然一新). Decorations everywhere, lanterns, Spring Festival couplets. Everyone is in a celebratory mood, and the energy is just so happy. It’s hard not to smile when you see it—it feels like everyone is sharing the joy together.|孩童时的Selah第一次敲大鼓梅莉和Selah最喜欢的春节传统是……Selah:我最喜欢的一些春节传统包括放鞭炮 (set off firecrackers)、the festive atmosphere (节日氛围),当然还有美食!春节有太多好吃的东西,比如饺子和年糕。|左边第一个小女孩为Selah梅莉:I love jiaozi as well! 我最喜欢的是大家都在一起一边看春晚,一边包饺子,and really taking the time to spend quality time together. It is so heartwarming (真的很温馨)。还有春节的装饰。到处都是红灯笼和春联,挂在门上或者窗边。Everywhere you go, you see red decorations symbolizing good luck (象征好运的红色装饰到处都是)。It feels like one of the most tradition-filled holidays anywhere in the world (这感觉就像是全世界最富有传统氛围的节日之一).春节不仅是庆祝的时刻,也是反思和展望的时刻。It feels like a time everyone can escape from the hard things in their life (摆脱生活中的困难),and just celebrate all that has happened in the previous year, and look forward to the next (展望新的一年)。她们自己关于春节的难忘回忆(memorable stories)Selah: I remember many years we would stay up until midnight (会一直熬到午夜), and then we would go outside in our fluffy pajamas (穿着绒毛睡衣) to stay warm and do fireworks. Then, we would find a large hotel and go and watch their fireworks from below. It was so fun and something I’ll never forget.|孩童时的Selah在和小伙伴们一起看烟花梅莉:I remember one year, my family and I went to a small Chinese village to 拜年 to some family friends. 那个村子装饰得特别漂亮。There were red decorations everywhere, and you could still see the leftovers of fireworks on the ground and smell them in the air. It felt so traditional and festive. 作为一个五口人的“老外”家庭,我们在村子里还是挺吸引注意力的,哈哈。We ended up 拜年 to most people in the village because everyone was so curious about us! 我们拜年的时候,大家都穿着红色,桌上摆满了小吃。我们和朋友们聊天、吃东西,整个氛围特别热闹。It was such a joyful and unforgettable experience, and I felt so lucky to be part of such a beautiful tradition.Selah和梅莉强烈建议:大家有机会一定要在中国体验一次春节,真的让人难忘!梅莉和Selah现在都在其他国家,她们聊完这期节目,都说:今年我会特别想念在中国过春节的感觉。请留言告诉我们:你们有什么春节的特别记忆吗? Happy Chinese New Year !
  • 过年了,除了“Happy New Year”,你还可以这样说……
    主播:Wendi(中国)+ 梅莉(法国) 歌曲: Chinese New Year今天这期节目我们会跟大家分享一下一些实用的新年祝福语,并且学习一下如何用英语送上新年祝福。This will be coming in handy for sure!(这肯定会派上用场!)01 英语中,除了Happy New Year,还有哪些祝福语?1. 对于领导、同事或者老师可以说:May this year bring clarity to your vision, strength to your actions, and peace to your mind.新的一年祝你梦想成真,前行无阻,喜乐无忧。 2. 发给亲朋好友可以说:Wishing you a year filled with meaningful work, deep laughter, and moments that stay with you forever.新的一年祝你前程似锦,笑口常开,拥有更多难忘的瞬间。3. 对于身边一些在过去的一年中经历了一些坎坷的人,你可以说:As we step into a new year, may it be a season of renewal, growth, and quiet triumphs.过去一年中的坎坷已经过去,接下来将要迎来成功。02 中文中那些很美好的祝福语,可以用英语这样表达1. 辞暮尔尔,烟火年年。朝朝暮暮,岁岁平安。- 释义:每一年,每一天,愿你平安幸福、生活美满。- 英文表达:Farewell to the fading days,year after year the joys of life goes on.May peace be with you, day and night, year after year.2. 岁岁常欢愉,年年皆胜意。- 释义:每一年都顺顺利利,称心如意。- 英文表达:May you find joy every year and may each year exceed your expectations. 3. 多喜乐,长安宁。- 释义:祝愿对方生活中多一些开心的日子,安静祥和。- 英文表达:More joy, lasting peace.或者:Wish you more happy days and a life filled with tranquility and harmony.4. 所求皆如愿,所行化坦途。- 释义:祝愿对方的愿望都能如愿以偿,前方的人生道路顺利、没有坎坷。- 英文表达:May all your wishes come true, and may the path ahead be smooth and free of obstacles. 5. 日有熹,月有光,富而昌,寿且康,新春嘉平,长乐未央。- 释义:白天总有温暖的日光作伴,夜晚总有皎洁的月光照路。人生既富贵又昌盛,既长寿又健康。新春快乐,吉祥平安,愿你拥有无尽的欢乐。- 英文表达:May the sun shine brightly, the moon glow softly, wealth and prosperity abound, and health and longevity prevail. Wishing you a joyful and peaceful New Year with endless happiness. 6. 万般旧事归于尽,来年依旧迎花开。- 释义:无论过去经历了怎样的喜怒哀乐,现在你都不再将受其困扰,新年的生活依旧充满希望和美好。- 英文表达:May all past matters come to an end, and may the coming year greet you with blooming flowers once again. 7. 愿山河无恙,人间安康。- 释义:祝福天下一切太平,所有的人们平安健康。- 英文表达:May the mountains and rivers remain unscathed, and may the world be peaceful and healthy. 不管是送给朋友、家人还是同事,我们希望今天的分享能帮到你,用这些祝福语带去温暖和正能量。欢迎在评论区告诉我们,你最喜欢的春节祝福语是什么! 一席文化团队祝大家新春快乐,万事如意!
  • “抽象”“偷感”“浓人”“淡人”……这些网络热词,用英语怎么说?
    主播:Wendi(中国)+ 梅莉(法国) 歌曲: 360今天的节目,我们一起聊聊 the online buzzwords (网络热词) in China that have been commonly used by netizens。1. 抽象 Abstract在网络上是指一些让人迷惑的、不符合常规的行为或者语言。比如在公共场合穿很夸张很醒目的衣服,说一些前言不搭后语的话。Basically it’s like wild behaviors that doesn’t make any sense (没有任何意义).2. 硬控 Hard crowd control最初是用来指在游戏里把敌人摁在地上不能动 (pinned in place),但后来在网络上指的是被某件事或者某个人深深地吸引,无法自拔。It refers to someone or something so incredible that people are easily captivated or mesmerized (被深深吸引) by their unique abilities or qualities.3. 牛马 Beasts of burden / Workhorse在网络用语中,它指的是辛苦上班的打工人。It refers to someone who’s very hardworking (辛勤工作的人).4. 班味 Office stench / The smell of toil指的是一个人辛苦工作后的疲惫感。It refers to someone feeling exhausted after a long day of work, so they have “the smell of toil” (辛苦工作的味道).5.古希腊掌管……的神 Greek god or goddess of something这个梗和古希腊没什么关系,因为古希腊的神都有掌管某种事物的能力,所以在网上说一个人是“古希腊掌管……的神”就是说她/他在这方面做的很出色,比如掌管拍照的神,掌管做饭的神。It refers to someone who excels in a certain area, like the GOAT (greatest of all time) of something (某领域的佼佼者).6. 偷感 Sus / Suspicious vibe偷感形容的是一种畏畏缩缩、小心翼翼的状态,像小偷一样。It refers to a feeling of being sneaky or suspicious (鬼鬼祟祟或可疑), like when someone slacks off (懈怠) at work.在英语中,可以说:It looks sus. Sus is short for suspicious.7. 摸鱼 Slack off形容一个人懒散、不认真工作或浪费时间。It means being lazy or wasting time, like when someone slacks off (偷懒) at work.“Slack off” means to stop working hard or putting effort (付出努力) into something.8.松弛感 Chill / Laid-back vibe形容一种放松、轻松、悠闲的状态。The term “松弛感” conveys a sense of “relaxation,” “ease,” or “looseness,”(放松、舒适的感觉) often referring to a relaxed or casual atmosphere, feeling, or attitude. It doesn’t carry the negative connotation of irresponsibility (不负责任) or laziness that “slacking off” might imply.Chill有冷的意思,在这里是放松的意思,a chill vibe,或者也可以说a laid-back vibe。Lay back,躺下,也是形容一种很放松、很chill的悠闲状态,都可以用来表达“松弛感”。9.浓人 & 淡人 Exuberant / passionate & reserved / stoic“浓人”指的是性格外放、情绪高涨的人;“淡人”指的是平时安静、情绪稳定的人。“浓人” can be described as passionate (热情洋溢的) or exuberant(活力充沛的), and “淡人” as reserved (矜持的) or stoic (隐忍的).请留言告诉我们:你还知道哪些中文网络热词。
  • 小红书里挤满了“歪果仁”,评论区笑疯了……
    主播:Wendi(中国)+ 梅莉(法国) 歌曲: Imagine大家这两天应该都发现了,小红书上忽然新增了很多外国网友,他们自称为“Tik Tok refugee”or “TT refugee”(Tik Tok“难民”)。中美网友现在在小红书上有非常多搞笑的互动。1. 小红书上的搞笑互动There are many fun interactions.比如,有很多网友说想要学习普通话(mandarin),然后中国网友就在评论区开始了教学。其中有一个网友的留言非常搞笑:“Well I might not have a job next week, but we will start learning Chinese!”小红书吸引了很多外国人学中文,and it’s very immersive(沉浸式的)。This will be a good way for both to learn each other’s languages (学习彼此的语言)!不过虽然小红书为中外网友提供了一个很好的学习语言的环境,但是有时候翻译不准确也会引起很多误会和笑话。比如有外国网友问:“小红书的‘种草’是什么意思?我需要去哪里买草?”种草 is not really planting grass but to create a desire for something—usually a product or service!There is still a lot to learn! But it’s great they’re trying to engage with Chinese culture (感受中国文化)!有些中国网友就在评论区分享一些中国美食或者中国文化。在小红书上还有一个很好笑的现象,有一些博主are now forced to speak English during their live broadcasts(在直播带货的时候被迫要说英文),because many foreign users have joined(因为有很多外国网友加入了直播间)。而且还有一些直播间变成了“英语角”(English corner),有些是中外网友在里面练英语,也有些是中国人在教外国人中文,it’s so funny!2. 想无障碍沟通,这些英文网络用语了解一下It’s not always easy to talk to foreigners online, especially when it involves Internet language or Internet slangs. 网络用语是最容易造成理解障碍的一个因素。中国网友开始学一些外国网络用语。比如说:btw是by the way的缩写,意思是:顺便说一句。rizz是charisma的简写,emphasizing the quality of being attractive or persuasive in social interactions,形容一个人有吸引力或者有说服力。smh是shaking my head的缩写,用来表达对某件失望、无奈或者无语。3. 文化的交流、互动It really seems like this migration to Xiaohongshu is more than just about social media. It’s creating unique cultural exchanges (创造独特的文化交流).This is very cool! Many users are learning about Chinese cuisine (中国美食) and scenery through Xiaohongshu, and some are even actively helping foreign users learn Chinese.不过,有点搞笑的是:有的小学生让外国网友帮忙做英语作业!Work smarter not harder. There are even elementary school students asking foreign users to help them with their English homework!更搞笑的是,these students are paying them back by sharing pictures of their pets(得到帮助的学生分享他们宠物的照片作为对外国网友的回报)。然后,渐渐地,it’s becoming a trend of sharing their pet pictures(分享宠物照片也成了中外网友互动的趋势之一)。Pet is also a universal language! 宠物也是一种通用的语言!面对大量外国网友的突然涌进,的确有很多人表现出担忧,但目前看来,小红书平台is all peaceful and nice (一片祥和), and people from both countries, especially the Americans, are enjoying this cultural exchange at the moment (正在享受这种文化交流)。And they are saying that Chinese people are really kind and really nice, and they really feel being welcomed here.希望这种好的趋势可以lead to more positive connections and learning experiences(带动更多积极的联结和学习经历)。这些“TikTok refugee”不仅让小红书变得更加国际化,也促进了中美网友的互动和交流。It’s fascinating to see how global events shape our online communities.

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Sobre 一席英语·脱口秀:老外来了

这档节目-目的是跨文化。 国际化的形式下,我们特别想帮助大家实现双文化视野。带你了解中西方文化差异。
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