The end of the world, begins.Within this fantastical realm of Quura, Angels coexist with humanity, setting the stage for a thrilling D&D 5e Adventure. As a wave...
The party face off against the powerful fiend Annowre and her minions.Within this fantastical realm of Quura, Angels coexist with humanity, setting the stage for a thrilling D&D 5e Adventure. As a wave of undeath threatens to end all life a band of heroes must discover and stop the apocalypse before their time runs outWant more Quura? Join our Discord to chat with other fans and the cast. Want more Tablestory? We've got you covered with our ever expanding, multi genre library!Love what we do? You can support the show by grabbing some merch or backing us directly to keep the dice rolling.And as always, thanks for listening. ♥
Quura - Ep. 37 - The Scars
The showdown with the fiendish demonic Annowre is imminent, but how will our party fare in a direct fight with this evil?Want more Quura? Join our Discord to chat with other fans and the cast. Want more Tablestory? We've got you covered with our ever expanding, multi genre library!Love what we do? You can support the show by grabbing some merch or backing us directly to keep the dice rolling.And as always, thanks for listening. ♥
Quura - Ep. 36 - The Illusion
Our adventure continues as things heat up at the Kuu Moon Monastary...Within this fantastical realm of Quura, Angels coexist with humanity, setting the stage for a thrilling D&D 5e Adventure. As a wave of undeath threatens to end all life a band of heroes must discover and stop the apocalypse before their time runs outWant more Quura? Join our Discord to chat with other fans and the cast. Want more Tablestory? We've got you covered with our ever expanding, multi genre library!Love what we do? You can support the show by grabbing some merch or backing us directly to keep the dice rolling.And as always, thanks for listening. ♥
Quura - Ep. 35 - The Reflection
While exploring the Kuu monastary the party are drawn into an illusory world by the fiend Annoware.Within this fantastical realm of Quura, Angels coexist with humanity, setting the stage for a thrilling D&D 5e Adventure. As a wave of undeath threatens to end all life a band of heroes must discover and stop the apocalypse before their time runs outWant more Quura? Join our Discord to chat with other fans and the cast. Want more Tablestory? We've got you covered with our ever expanding, multi genre library!Love what we do? You can support the show by grabbing some merch or backing us directly to keep the dice rolling.And as always, thanks for listening. ♥
Quura - Ep. 34 - The Monastery
The party arrive at the Monastery in Kuu in their search for the mythical Angel Spear.Within this fantastical realm of Quura, Angels coexist with humanity, setting the stage for a thrilling D&D 5e Adventure. As a wave of undeath threatens to end all life a band of heroes must discover and stop the apocalypse before their time runs outWant more Quura? Join our Discord to chat with other fans and the cast. Want more Tablestory? We've got you covered with our ever expanding, multi genre library!Love what we do? You can support the show by grabbing some merch or backing us directly to keep the dice rolling.And as always, thanks for listening. ♥
The end of the world, begins.Within this fantastical realm of Quura, Angels coexist with humanity, setting the stage for a thrilling D&D 5e Adventure. As a wave of undeath threatens to end all life a band of heroes must discover and stop the apocalypse before their time runs outWant more Quura? Join our Discord to chat with other fans and the cast. Want more Tablestory? We've got you covered with our ever expanding, multi genre library!Love what we do? You can support the show by grabbing some merch or backing us directly to keep the dice rolling.And as always, thanks for listening. ♥