We are a group consisting of varying levels of One Piece enthusiasm, with two guys totally new to the series. We set a number of episodes to watch each week and...
This week on One Piece with a Lime, Luffy battles Big Mom’s forces while waiting for Sanji, who meets Big Mom and Pudding. Pudding promises to make their arranged marriage meaningful, and Sanji secures Big Mom’s agreement to free his crew. Despite this, Luffy and Nami are captured, breaking Luffy’s promise to wait for Sanji.Red Bubble ShopLinktreeThank you for listening!Candy taste better when dipped in sweat~ Support the show
One Piece 807-808
The one where friendship is tested and memories are cherished.Red Bubble ShopLinktreeThank you for listening!Audio might be off, testing a new setup~ Support the show
One Piece Eps 804-806
This week, on One Piece with a Cry, Sanji's final secret is revealed to us and his tragic backstory at last answers how he managed to escape his family in the East Blue.Red Bubble ShopLinktreeThank you for listening!Quacking is my new favorite pass time~ Support the show
One Piece Eps 801-803
This week on One Piece with a Scandal, Sanji faces blackmail, Niji's cruelty, and the shocking truth of Germa’s cloning experiments with Dr. Vegapunk, while Luffy rescues Nami from Cracker just in time. Red Bubble ShopLinktreeThank you for listening!Swanji is the name of my alt rock indie band~ Support the show
One Piece Eps 798-800
Families are complicated.Red Bubble ShopLinktreeThank you for listening!Sometimes you catch the swan a little too late~ Support the show
We are a group consisting of varying levels of One Piece enthusiasm, with two guys totally new to the series. We set a number of episodes to watch each week and discuss it on recording for all you beautiful people. Sorry in advance for whatever Dylan did, and thank you for being so great. I'd recommend listening to 124-126 for a taste.