Nonviolent Communication - Marshall Rosenberg's NVC Training
Joe Public
Nonviolent communication is a process that consists of an intention to contribute to our own well being, and the well being of others, compassionately.
So that...
Marshall Rosenberg Einfuhrung in die Gewaltfreie Kommunikation Teil 3 & 4
Marshall shares the message of nonviolent communication for a German audience accompanied by a translator. Parts 3 and 4.
Marshall Rosenberg Einfuhrung in die Gewaltfreie Kommunikation Teil 2
Marshall shares the message of nonviolent communication for a German audience accompanied by a translator.
Marshall Rosenberg Einfuhrung in die Gewaltfreie Kommunikation Part 1
Marshall shares the message of nonviolent communication accompanied by a German translator
PEACE TALKS: Nonviolent Communication (KUNM Airdate: June 27, 2003)
Peace Talks is a series of public radio programs that investigates how people can make peace and pursue nonviolent solutions to conflict - within themselves, their families and communities, and the world. In addition to the KUNM half-hour series, a national series is in development. Each episode of Peace Talks national series would be recorded before a live audience in a town hall format at venues across the United States and will feature a renown leader in peace studies or negotiation as well as a peacemaker chosen from the host community.
Sobre Nonviolent Communication - Marshall Rosenberg's NVC Training
Nonviolent communication is a process that consists of an intention to contribute to our own well being, and the well being of others, compassionately.
So that whatever we do is done willingly, not done out of guilt, or shame, or fear of punishment, or trying to buy love, by submitting to what we think others expect us to do.
That we give solely out of the joy that comes naturally from contributing to life. Our own life and the lives of others.
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