Random Observations on Art, Photography, and the Creative Process. These talks focus on the creative process in fine art photography. LensWork editor Brooks Jen...
HT2208 - Camera Ergonomics
I loved that camera, but I couldn't wait to sell it and get rid of it. Have you ever had that experience? I loved everything about that camera except one button that I was constantly pressing accidentally that caused frustration and many a missed shot opportunity. I finally got so frustrated that I sold it with prejudice. The lesson I learned is to pay more attention to camera ergonomics than I do to technical specifications.
HT2207 - Never to Be Seen
HT2207 - Never to Be Seen
One of the realities I cringe to admit is that I know of the vast majority of my work will never be seen by anyone, ever. I also cringe to admit that I know this is silly, somewhat narcissistic, and impractical. I am my own audience, as each of us are, and that's probably the most important audience we should ever care about. Nonetheless...
LW1446 - Defining Artistic Success
LW1446 - Defining Artistic Success
With all the time and energy and effort you put into photography, how do you define success? Are you successful when you've made an interesting picture? Are you successful when someone compliments you on it or perhaps purchases it? Are you successful when you have a gallery exhibition or a book published? Defining success is an important step in planning our efforts.
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Every Picture Is a Compromise, a series at www.brooksjensenarts.com.
"How to" tutorials and camera reviews are everywhere on YouTube, but if you're interested in photography and the creative life, you need to know about the incredible resources you can access as a member of LensWork Online.
HT2206 - Fast Lenses Are Less Important to Me Now
HT2206 - Fast Lenses Are Less Important to Me Now
Such fascinating technological times we live in! I used to fret and fuss over the fastest lens I could buy in order to keep the ISO as low as possible and the depth of field shallow. But now with DeNoise and Lens Blur via software, I'm perfectly comfortable with a slower lens. Software doesn't work every time, but it does enough times and I don't feel it's necessary to own those really fast lenses.
HT2205 - Exposure Preview
HT2205 - Exposure Preview
As a strategy, pre-visualization has always required a vivid imagination. I've never been able to master that skill. My SLR cameras could not provide a visual rendition of my settings. Same with you cameras. But now, with a mirrorless camera and electronic viewfinder, changing the exposure shows me exactly what I will end up with in terms of brightness or darkness. What a great feature!
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Sobre LensWork - Photography and the Creative Process
Random Observations on Art, Photography, and the Creative Process. These talks focus on the creative process in fine art photography. LensWork editor Brooks Jensen side-steps techno-talk and artspeak to offer a stimulating mix of ideas, experience, and observations from his 50 years as a fine art photographer, writer, and publisher. Topics include a wide range of subjects from finding subject matter to presenting your work, and building an audience.
Included in this RSS Feed are the LensWork Podcasts — posted weekly, typically 10-20 minutes exploring a topic a bit more deeply — and our almost daily Here's a thought… audios (extracted from the videos.) Here's a thought… are snippets, fragments, morsels, and tidbits from Brooks' fertile (and sometimes swiss-cheesy) brain. Usually just a minute or two. Always about photography and the art life.
Brooks Jensen is the publisher of LensWork, one of the world's most respected and award-winning photography publications, known for its museum-book quality printing and luxurious design. LensWork has subscribers in over 73 countries. He is the author of 13 books on photography and the creative life -- the latest books are The Best of the LensWork Interviews (2016), Photography, Art, and Media (2016), and the four annual volumes of Seeing in SIXES (2016-2019).