Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King's College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, "without any gaps"....
HoP 456 - Touch Me With Your Madness - Cervantes’ Don Quixote
Why do critics consider Don Quixote the first “modern” novel, and what does it tell us about the aesthetics of fiction?
HoP 455 - Tom Pink on Francisco Suárez
We're joined by Tom Pink, who tells us about Suárez on ethics, law, religion, and the state.
HoP 454 - By Appointment Only - Political Philosophy in the Second Scholastic
Suárez and other Iberian scholastics ask where political power comes from and under what circumstances it is exercised legitimately.
HoP 453 - The Price is Right - Law and Economics in the Second Scholastic
Vitoria, Molina, Suárez and others develop the idea of natural law, exploring its relevance for topics including international law, slavery, and the ethics of economic exchange.
HoP 452 - Better Than Nothing - Metaphysics in the Second Scholastic
Did the metaphysics of Francisco Suárez mark a shift from traditional scholasticism to early modern philosophy?
Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King's College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, "without any gaps".