Whole-y Foley: The World of Performative Film Sound
Vanessa Theme Ament
Every two weeks, Dr. Vanessa Theme Ament, award-winning Foley Artist and author of the book The Foley Grail: The Art of Performing Sound for Film, Games, and An...
Episode 31: Oral History of American Foley Artists
In this episode, Dr. Vanessa Theme Ament, author of The Foley Grail and Foley Artist on such films as Die Hard, Platoon, and Predator, shares stories about several Foley Artists she worked with at the beginning of her career. In this oral history, Vanessa recalls three Foley Artists in particular: Kim Fowler, John Post and Robert Rutledge. Intertwined with these tributes, Vanessa also mentions other Foley Artists she worked with and their contributions to the art and craft of Foley. Welcome to the World of Performative Film Sound!
Episode 30: Writing Sound in the Screenplay (An Interview with Dr. Gabriel Paletz)
In this episode, Dr. Vanessa Theme Ament, author of The Foley Grail and Foley Artist on such films as Die Hard, Platoon, and Predator, speaks with Dr. Gabriel Paletz, a film teacher, scholar, and programmer at the Prague Film School in Prague, Czech Republic. Gabriel recently published an article entitled "Writing sound in the screenplay: traditions and innovations" in the journal The Soundtrack. Delving into the main theses of this article, Vanessa and Gabriel explore the many reasons why screenwriters and the most common master form of the screenplay has often overlooked or eschewed the inclusion and aesthetic elements of the film's aural and musical qualities. Furthermore, Gabriel shares how he teaches an original course called "Learning from Awful Films." Importantly, as Vanessa and Gabriel share, from both a pedagogical and practicioner's point of view, even awful films are more awful with bad sound and bad foley. This conversation makes a very powerful case for screenwriters and above the line personnel to include sound elements in the screenplay and as part of a film's pre-production. Welcome to the Wonderful World of Performative Film Sound.
Episode 29: Breaking Through Sound Barriers: Design, Technology, and the Empowerment of Women (Interview with Kylee Pena)
In this episode, Dr. Vanessa Theme Ament, author of The Foley Grail and Foley Artist on such films as Die Hard, Platoon, and Predator, talks with Kylee Pena, who is Product Marketing Manager for Professional Editor at Adobe. The podcast begins by recapping Kylee's journey from college through her careers in Atlanta, at Netflix, and now at Adobe, working on among other products, Premiere Pro. Vanessa and Kylee share their views on being women in the film industry, particularly in post-production workflows. They discuss their common mission of empowering women to take their creative and technical space in this male-dominated profession. Kylee also addresses how changes with Generative AI and other new techologies have the potential to revolutionize the performance of sound. Welcome to the Wonderful World of Performative Film Sound.
Episode 28: Part Two: The Possibilities for Sound: Intro to Sonology and the Acousmatic Spectator (Interview with Sara Pinheiro)
In the second part of this two part episode, Dr. Vanessa Theme Ament, author of The Foley Grail and Foley Artist on such films as Die Hard, Platoon, and Predator, continues her conversation with Sara Pinheiro. You can learn more about Sara at her website: sarapinheiro.com. If you missed part one, please listen to Episode 27 first which sets up the second half of this discussion. As you will learn upon listening to this podcast, Sara straddles the world of sound designer, sound experimenter, and an academic exploring the role of sound in media. In terms of film and video-art, Sara does sound recording, editing, foley and mixing. In her solo practice, Sara also makes acousmatic pieces, usually for multichannel performances, radio broadcasts or installations. Her work crosses practices of sound design for film with concrete and acousmatic music. It blends natural and artificial soundscapes via field recordings, foley practices and signal processing. Sara is currently pursuing a PhD in music and media, and her research-based practice can be found under the name "Acousmatic Foley." In the second part of this two-part podcast, Vanessa and Sara discuss the various filmmakers and films that have inspired their creative work in sound design and music. They discuss various projects they have each worked on that advance the idea of sonology and the acousmatic spectator. Sounds themselves--and not just music or dialogue--can be used to develop the story or to advance an emotion in a film. Join us for a unique and penetrating journey into the World of Performative Film Sound!
Episode 27: Part One: The Possibilities for Sound: Intro to Sonology and the Acousmatic Spectator (Interview with Sara Pinheiro)
In the first part of this two part episode, Dr. Vanessa Theme Ament, author of The Foley Grail and Foley Artist on such films as Die Hard, Platoon, and Predator, talks with Sara Pinheiro. You can learn more about Sara at her website: sarapinheiro.com. As you will learn upon listening to this podcast, Sara straddles the world of sound designer, sound experimenter, and an academic exploring the role of sound in media. In terms of film and video-art, Sara does sound recording, editing, foley and mixing. In her solo practice, Sara also makes acousmatic pieces, usually for multichannel performances, radio broadcasts or installations. Her work crosses practices of sound design for film with concrete and acousmatic music. It blends natural and artificial soundscapes via field recordings, foley practices and signal processing. Sara is currently pursuing a PhD in music and media, and her research-based practice can be found under the name "Acousmatic Foley." In the first part of this two-part podcast, Vanessa and Sara delve into the importance of the concept of sonology, which can be defined as the study of sound in multiple disciplines, and investigating the idea of the acousmatic spectator, a formulation which priveleges the role of sound design, active listening, and careful hearing in visual media. In their exchanges, Vanessa and Sara expand beyond the idea of sound as an additive or complementary process in media-making and focus instead on how expressive sound creations can transform the very act of spectatorship and deepen our appreciation of the omnipresent soundscapes that exist all around us. Join us for a unique and penetrating journey into the World of Performative Film Sound!
Sobre Whole-y Foley: The World of Performative Film Sound
Every two weeks, Dr. Vanessa Theme Ament, award-winning Foley Artist and author of the book The Foley Grail: The Art of Performing Sound for Film, Games, and Animation, interviews professionals from all avenues of performative sound world-wide from foley artists to sound designers to musicians and more. Tune in and discover historical as well as new and innovative concepts and practices in the fascinating world of sound. Subscribe at the button below on the left.