Tune in with Professor Anita McGahan as she speaks with leading thinkers to understand and reinvent corporate social responsibility in service of the public goo...
Episode 10: Listen to Your Community and Then Act Justly
Professor Sergio Lazzarini of INSPER, one of Brazil's leading business schools, is deeply engaged in various sustainability initiatives. He believes that companies succeed in creating social impact when they act with justice. Achieving this, he says, requires listening to communities as they define the challenges they need help with.
Episode 9: The Power of Harnessing Ideals to Drive Change
Professor and Vice Dean Witold Henisz, who leads ESG initiatives at Wharton, describesthe polarized debate surrounding corporate social responsibility. His advice tostudents? Bring your best selves to the world’s most impactful organizationsand drive meaningful change from within.
Episode 8: Don’t Give up. Co-create. Innovate. Try Something!
Professor Sarah Kaplan, an expert on stakeholder engagement, views trade-offs between stakeholder needs as opportunities for innovation. However, navigating these challenges is far from easy. Her advice in the face of failure? Don’t give up – try something else.
Episode 7: Companies Can Experiment Where Governments Can’t
Professor Sandro Cabral provides a profoundly simple answer to Anita’s pressing question: Why can’t governments solve public problems without assistance from the private sector? His response: Governments are structured for transparency and accountability, not for prototyping, experimenting, learning, revising, and relaunching. This creates a significant gap that companies and private organizations are well-equipped to fill.
Episode 6: Individual Social Entrepreneurs Can Succeed Where Governments Can’t
Professor Samina Karim describes two inspiring NGOs in Central America that succeed where local governments are unable to act.
Tune in with Professor Anita McGahan as she speaks with leading thinkers to understand and reinvent corporate social responsibility in service of the public good. Presented by Pi Squared, a project of the Burnes Center for Social Change at Northeastern University, this series explores new ways for companies, NGOs, and even government itself to collaborate and drive meaningful change.