Learn how to create a passive income for your design business so you can reclaim your creative and financial freedom.
Passive Income for Designers will teac...
A while back, I asked the Passive Income for Designers Facebook group “what is your biggest passive income question?” — and the winner by far was the following question. “If you were starting from scratch today with no list and no friends, how/where would you start?” I thought for quite a while about what I would do. And the answer surprised me a bit. Note: Please forgive my raspy voice in the recording.
How Jason Carne Made Over 100K from His Love of Vintage Lettering
Jason Carne was about to give up his design career to do construction. A string of bad freelance work and the monthly struggle to get by had sucked all the fun out of design. That was when Jason, on a whim, made a small tweak to his business Lettering Library (a subscription for rare vintage lettering books). The result was $15,000 over the course of three days. But that was just the beginning. Over the next few years, Jason would make over $100,000 from his side hustles. Learn how he did it without traditional marketing but instead focusing on his friends and the work he loved.
Episode 15 | Your Questions Answered About Creative Market Pro (Featuring Aaron Epstein of Creative Market)
Creative Market Pro was released last week. The release generated a lot of excitement and for many shop owners a lot of questions. In this exclusive interview, Creative Market CEO Aaron Epstein answers all your questions about the new platform.
What Creative Market Products Sell Best?
A lot of people follow trends on sites like Creative Market to make sales. But did you know that almost any well-made product can sell well if you use the tactics discusses in this episode?
Episode # 012 | How Jeremy Vessey of Hustle Supply Co. Would Build a New Business from Scratch
This week we’re continuing our two-part interview with Jeremy Vessey of Hustle Supply Co. If you missed last weeks episode I highly recommend going back and listening to that episode first. It will add some context to today's episode. Today, we’re going to dig deeper into Jeremy’s business. We'll talk about: What Jeremy would do if he was building a new passive income business from scratch today. The importance of getting in early when you see market opportunities. Jeremy’s rituals that he follows in his life that help grow his business (without getting overwhelmed). If you want to get a first-hand account of how a successful passive income business owner is making a killing you're going to love this interview! For exclusive insider content on building a passive income (plus, access to your private Passive Income for Designers Facebook Group) subscribe for updates at www.passiveincomefordesigners.com
Learn how to create a passive income for your design business so you can reclaim your creative and financial freedom.
Passive Income for Designers will teach you how to uncover profitable passive income business ideas, create irresistible products and reach your ideal audience that can't wait to buy what you release.
Passive Income for Designer's is hosted by Dustin Lee, owner of RetroSupply, an online marketplace that provided digital design resources for Photoshop and Illustrator.