that girl tips for healing your anxious attachment
In this episode I share how I’m working on healing my anxious attachment style and give you tips on how to work on yours.
Throughout the years I struggled with anxiety especially in romantic relationships and it was after I read the book Attached I decided to take control of my life and work to become more secure.
Break ups, Glow Ups and Life Updates
In this episode Jaya shares how 2023 was the most pivotal year in her life putting her on this journey of self discovery.
Solo Living: Navigating Independence in Your 20s
In this episode Jaya talks about how she embraces the loneliness of living alone
How to let go of people that no longer serve you
In this episode I share my tips on how I let go from friendships/relationships that no longer serve you.
I'm back + 2024 Goals
In this episode I dive into where I've been for the past 8 months + exciting new life updates. Ringing in the new year with my 2024 goals.