This podcast is all about Couples and the 3C’s: Communication, Conflict, Connection. These are not skills you automatically have when you get into a relationshi...
Handle Harder Seasons of Marriage Better With These 3 Changes: Episode 385
Everyone should have the appropriate expectation that things in life won’t always be easy or go your way. This is the same in marriage. Having harder seasons of marriage is a part of the journey a couple needs to accept. Now these harder seasons can come from two places: external circumstances and from poor interactions of your own making! In this episode you will hear about the 3 changes that need to be made to better handle these hard seasons. The situation will be different based on whether it is an external circumstance out of your control or whether it is from a series of poor patterns that have formed between you. In both cases, making these 3 changes will allow you to handle the season with more togetherness and come out of it stronger. Relationship Resources: ➡️ Level 1: “Prioritizing Us” is focused on strengthening your connection, communication, and fun “Love Deposit” ideas. LINKED HERE ➡️ Level 2: “Rebuilding Us” is focused on repairing and rebuilding after a harder season of marriage. LINKED HERE 🥇 Also if you have not watched the Couple Things interview with Shawn Johnson & Andrew East, make sure tune into this great interview about Navigating Happy and Hard Seasons of Marriage on YouTube.
Is Your Heart Open or Closed to Your Partner? (and how to keep your heart open): Episode 384
Set aside all the things you DO in your marriage and answer this question. Is your heart more open or closed to your partner? It is easy to get stuck in all of the tasks and responsibilities within a marriage and even think that getting these done is the main goal. But what is your experience like most of the time? You can get all your tasks done, but have a heart that is closed off to your partner and you experience disconnection, distance, unappreciation, or even resentment. The true goal in a marriage is to have an open heart because this is when you experience love, connection, joy, understanding, happiness, and fulfillment. In this episode you will explore this idea of living more with an open heart and get 5 steps to take to keep from closing your heart off to your partner. In the end, we are here to “adult” and get done what we need to, but it will really only add to your marriage satisfaction if you complete these tasks while staying open to each other. Relationship Resources: Join the 30 Day Couples Challenge that is the best fit for keeping your heart open: ➡️ Level 1: “Prioritizing Us” is focused on strengthening your connection, communication, and fun “Love Deposit” ideas. LINKED HERE ➡️ Level 2: “Rebuilding Us” is focused on repairing and rebuilding after a harder season of marriage. LINKED HERE 🌟 For all the other resources, including the guides and webclasses:
Q&A From Our Marriage WebClass: Navigating broken agreements, defensiveness, not honoring the pause, discussing unmet needs
Last week was our LIVE Marriage Webclass on effective communication, de-escalating conflicts, and repairing after an argument. If you missed registering for that FREE event, you can still access the replay link here. There was so much that we covered that we did not have time to answer any of the questions pertaining to the Before, During, and After skills that we taught. So on today’s episode we will cover the 3 most common questions we received at the end of the class, so that everyone that was on can get those answers. If you did not watch, you can use the link to still watch, even if you did not, these are very common questions that will be very meaningful for you to hear. These answers will be very practical so that you can use them in your own life immediately. These are the questions you will hear answers to: ✅ What can I do? How do I handle when my partner is defensive/not receptive despite the timing of the conversation. ✅ How do you communicate when expressed needs go unmet? What to do if/when agreements are broken? ✅ What do we do when our partner usually doesn't allow us to take a timeout from a conflict? Relationship Resources: ➡️ As you listen, make sure you watch the REPLAY of our Live + Free Marriage WebClass. We only host this ONCE a year, and this link will only be available for one more week. ➡️ Find the links to all the guides and 30-day challenges with our resources page here.
Why Emotion Comes Before Logic in Conversations With Your Spouse: Episode 382
When you are not having the same type of conversation it is very easy to misunderstand each other. When there is misunderstanding it is easier to get frustrated and have the conversation escalate into a conflict. It is important to know which type of conversation you are having, a logical or emotional one, so that this doesn’t happen. As much as any one of us thinks we are logically minded people, there is still an underlying emotional need such as respect, understanding, love, partnership ect. This is definitely the case whenever there is some tension or upset. In those moments you have to realize that to be effective in your communication with each other, emotions come before logic. This statement can bring up a few questions so dive into this episode to undercover how to better identify when an emotional conversation is needed versus when you can stick to the logical details of a conversation. Relationship Resources: ➡️ As you listen, make sure you register for our Live + Free Marriage WebClass coming up February 19th, 2025. We only host this ONCE a year, so don’t miss it! ➡️ Find the links to all the guides and 30-day challenges with our resources page here.
Emotional Intelligence is Required For Good Communication: Do You Have These 5 Skills Mastered? Episode 381
Raising one’s emotional intelligence (EQ) is a critical factor in the long term satisfaction and maturity within a marriage. Without this, the depth of a couple’s connection will be limited and small emotional disruptions will turn into bigger conflicts (and likely never address the root cause). This is a term you have likely heard of before in terms of marriage and other important relationships in your life. But it can often be too abstract and conceptual to be put into practice. In today’s episode you will hear 5 skills that build EQ. You will get a clear definition of each of these skills as well as the practical action to take to strengthen that muscle. These 5 skills do build on themselves and can be seen as sequential. So as you work on each of these, be sure you are completing each step before moving to the next. By listening to this episode you will have a clear understanding of how to raise your EQ and the benefit it will be for your relationship. Relationship Resources: ➡️ As you listen, make sure you register for our Live + Free Marriage WebClass coming up February 19th, 2025. We only host this ONCE a year, so don’t miss it! ➡️ Find the links to all the guides and 30-day challenges with our resources page here.
This podcast is all about Couples and the 3C’s: Communication, Conflict, Connection. These are not skills you automatically have when you get into a relationship, but that need to be developed to overcome the inevitable challenges that will come up. A couple needs to be able to navigate both the happy and hard seasons. Couples who listen to the podcast say, “are they watching us?!” Because of how extremely relatable and practical these topics are for the day-to-day life of couples! Hosts Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman are authors of The Argument Hangover, have their Master's in Psychology. Their viral social content, programs, and workshops have reached millions of people. They are parents to their baby daughter and live in Arizona.