Brought to you by the student-led organization, Combat The Patent Prices, The Pharma Discourse tackles the serious issue of Big Pharma Patent Abuse and Price go...
In this episode of "The Pharma Discourse," William & Ishaan speak with Lawyer David Barclay, who exposes Big Pharma schemes that block low-cost generic drugs. The episode discusses Antitrust laws, class actions, drug pricing, Pharma and PBM misconduct.
Abolition of Pharmaceutical Patents: Worth it?
In this episode of "The Pharma Discourse," William & Ishaan discuss the pros and cons of the patents in the pharmaceutical industry and the potential effects of their abolition.
Evergreening: A Frank Discussion
In the latest episode of "The Pharma Discourse," William & Ishaan discuss pharmaceutical evergreening, strategies by which Big Pharma corporations extend the lifetime of their patents using minor modifications to treatment drugs.
Interview with T1D Advocate Alison Bailey
In this episode, William & Pranav speak with Doctors for America Advocate Alison Bailey about her journey as a Type 1 Diabetic and what led her to become an advocate for affordable prescription drug prices.
The Pharma Discourse Intro
In the intro of The Pharma Discourse Podcast, William and Ishaan talk about the issues that they aim to discuss and the need for change in the pharmaceutical industry and the healthcare sector.
Brought to you by the student-led organization, Combat The Patent Prices, The Pharma Discourse tackles the serious issue of Big Pharma Patent Abuse and Price gouging. William, Ishaan, and Pranav discuss current pharmaceutical issues, healthcare policies, political discourse, and the need for affordable drug prices.