Stephen Sackur speaks to Reid Hoffman, the tech billionaire who co-founded LinkedIn and is a prophet of positivity about Artificial Intelligence.
Allen Ault: Opposing the death penalty
Another chance to hear Stephen Sackur’s 2014 interview with Allen Ault. As the former commissioner of corrections in the US state of Georgia, Ault was responsible for state-sanctioned executions. He organised the killing of criminals until he could stand it no more. What made him leave his post and take up the campaign to end the death penalty?
Christine Lagarde: Can Europe's economy withstand Trump 2.0?
Stephen Sackur is in Frankfurt for an exclusive interview with Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank. Donald Trump has triggered what could become a global trade war and has prompted European governments to make massive new defence spending commitments. Is the European economy capable of withstanding Trump 2.0?
Dominique de Villepin: Can Europe become a superpower in its own right?
Stephen Sackur is in Paris to talk to former Prime Minister of France Dominique de Villepin. With Donald Trump in the White House, the alliance between the US and Europe’s democracies looks fragile. Is Europe capable of becoming a superpower in its own right?
Son of Hans Frank, Governor General of Nazi Occupied Poland - Niklas Frank
Stephen Sackur is in Germany to speak to Niklas Frank. His father was Hans Frank, the Governor General of Nazi Occupied Poland during the World War Two. He was convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg trials and executed in 1946. Niklas Frank tells Stephen Sackur he 'despises' his father and does not want Germany to forget the crimes of his father and the legacy of the Nazi era.(Photo: Niklas Frank)