Focusing during wartime with Dan Schachter on The Living Process with Greg Madison
Focusing during wartime with Dan Schachter on The Living Process with Greg Madison. E29
Welcome to this episode of The Living Process, following quite soon on the last episode because of the topical nature of my conversation with Dan.
In our conversation, we speak mainly about the experience of living within the conflict between Israel and Palestine. We also talk about Dan’s gradual transition from psychoanalysis to experiential therapy back in the early 1990s. Dan has trained in Somatic Experiencing and EMDR and works in a trauma clinic as well as privately. We touched on what it is like to work as a clinical psychologist with clients who might have a very different perspective on the war going on around them. What it is like to be living in a society that is undergoing such a deep crisis which all clients and therapists are affected by on a daily basis? Dan talks about how crucial felt sensing, TAE, and Gendlin’s underlying experiential philosophy have been as a resource in his attempts to navigate the complexity of feelings and attitudes amongst Israelis. We acknowledge how difficult it is to hold the tension between one’s own truth and wanting to remain open to the nuances of other opinions with an awareness that even in this podcast we are inevitably stepping into this minefield of judgment and criticism. Dan mentions his participation in PsychoActive, a mental health group for human rights opposed to the occupation of Palestinian territory, and how taking such a stance does not close him to being curious about other ways of experiencing all that is happening in his region of the world.
Dan Schachter, Is originally from Norway and has lived in Israel for many years, speaking English, Hebrew, and Norwegian fluently. Dan is a Focusing coordinator, a Focusing Oriented Therapist, and a clinical psychologist in private practice. He teaches Focusing, TAE (Thinking at the Edge) and the philosophy of the implicit and is well known in the Focusing community for his contributions to various projects including the International Focusing Institute Certification Weeklong core faculty. You can contact Dan at:
[email protected]
Episode 29 of The Living Process with guest, Dan Schachter. Focusing during wartime:
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