You have a wonderful opportunity to dig deeper into the ideas found in books by discussing fiction with your student. Here's how.
Discussing Fiction without Formal Narration originally appeared on Simply Charlotte Mason.
How to Break Readings into Smaller Parts
You should only read as much as your child is able to narrate. But how do you know where to stop in a longer reading?
How to Break Readings into Smaller Parts originally appeared on Simply Charlotte Mason.
Does Charlotte Mason Require Perfection?
You might have heard that Charlotte Mason required perfection or best effort. What does that really mean, and how can we avoid an unhealthy perfectionist mindset?
Does Charlotte Mason Require Perfection? originally appeared on Simply Charlotte Mason.
You Don’t Have to Be Charlotte Mason
Does your home school have to look just like Charlotte Mason's schools? You have plenty of freedom in the principles of the Charlotte Mason Method to do what works for your family!
You Don’t Have to Be Charlotte Mason originally appeared on Simply Charlotte Mason.
How We Got Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling
Sonya and Karen share how they each started with Charlotte Mason homeschooling, and how this wonderful method has served them and their children well.
How We Got Started with Charlotte Mason Homeschooling originally appeared on Simply Charlotte Mason.