Jim Rantschler and Randy Morrison discuss physics from elementary particles to cosmological effects at the limits of our theoretical knowledge or have recently ...
Jim talks with Philip Tee about the effects of a fundamental length scale. Phil uses doubly special relativity to try to find observable effects of the pixelization of space, including its effect on light bending and the Casimir effect.Show notes: http://frontiers.physicsfm.com/81
Episode 80: Emergent Decoherent Histories with Philipp Strasberg
Jim talks with Philipp Strasberg about his simulations of branching and recombining processes in the evolution of quantum states, and their meaning for not only for the many worlds interpretation but also for understanding quantum mechanics in general.Show Notes: http://frontiers.physicsfm.com/80
Episode 79: Primordial Black Holes with QCD Color Charge with Elba Alonso-Monsalve and David Kaiser
Jim talks with Elba Alonso-Monsalve and David Kaiser about the prospects to describe dark matter as tiny black holes that were created at the end of cosmic inflation. Due to the large inhomogeneities in the distribution of matter at that time, the black holes could form directly from the matter distribution and not be color neutral (in the sense of QCD).Show notes: http://frontiers.physicsfm.com/79
Episode 78: Quantum Machine Learning with Bruna Shinohara
Jim talks with Bruna Shinohara of CMC Microsystems. Quantum computing and machine learning are both currently making huge strides. So it is not strange that people are trying to use quantum computing for machine learning.
Episode 77: Maxwellian Ratchets with Alex Jurgens
Jim talks with Alex Jurgens about Maxwellian ratchets, automata that are similar to Maxwell's Demon. They talk about their implications for information processing and entropy.http://frontiers.physicsfm.com/77
Jim Rantschler and Randy Morrison discuss physics from elementary particles to cosmological effects at the limits of our theoretical knowledge or have recently emerged.