Sometimes all it takes is one little fact or one little piece of wisdom to change your life forever. That's the purpose and the hope of "Something You Should Kn...
Cool Things You Can Do With AI & Surprising Insight in Chance, Probability & Risk
There is a word you probably use that means something entirely different than what you think. In fact, it means the opposite of what you think. Yet, this opposite meaning has become so pervasive, even dictionaries now say that the wrong meaning is now okay. Listen and I will tell you what the word is and what it really means.
Artificial Intelligence can seem intimidating to some. Yet it is actually quite simple to use and it can do amazing things to make your life better. It can teach you a skill, plan your dinner, plan a trip, be a brainstorming partner and counsel you to help with a problem. These are just a few of the things you’ll discover how to do from listening to my guest, Celia Quillan. She is an expert in artificial intelligence and has been featured in Time, The New York Post, The Wall Street Journal, and the Today show. She is the creator of the popular TikTok and Instagram channel @SmartWorkAI and she is author of the book, AI for Life: 100+ Ways to Use Artificial Intelligence to Make Your Life Easier, More Productive…and More Fun! (
We often use phrases like, “There’s a good chance…” or “It’s likely that….” But without knowing HOW good a chance or HOW likely something is, the phrases don’t mean much. To help get a true understanding of chance, probability and luck is David Spiegelhalter, emeritus professor of statistics at the University of Cambridge and author of the book The Art of Uncertainty: How to Navigate Chance, Ignorance, Risk and Luck (
You probably feel safe taking a shower in your own bathroom. But dangers are lurking – some you might never have thought of. Listen as I explain how to reduce the risk of taking a shower.
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Digital Communication Done Right & Buy What You Love Without Going Broke
Beer should be served ice cold. Bottled beer is better than canned beer. These are just 2 incorrect assumptions people have about beer. This episode begins with a look at common beliefs about beer that just aren’t true – and what the real story is.
You have a lot of options when it comes to communicating with others. You can text, video chat, email, phone or speak face-to-face. What you may not realize or think about is that the method of communication you choose itself sends a message. Choose the wrong method and you send the wrong message. Here to discuss the fascinating research behind all this is Andrew Brodsky. He is a management professor at McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin and author of the book PING: The Secrets of Successful Virtual Communication (
Have you ever really examined what you spend your money on in say, the last 90 days? When you do, you just may learn some fascinating things about yourself. That is why it is one of several recommendations you will hear from my guest Jen Smith. She reveals how once you are clear on what is truly important to you, you can stop wasting money on things that don't matter and buy what you really love. Jen Smith is a personal finance expert and co-host of the Frugal Friends podcast ( who has written for and been featured in Forbes, Money Magazine and Business Insider. She is co-author of the book, Buy What You Love Without Going Broke (
What is the best way to deal with a hostile boss? Perhaps using a little hostility in return. Listen as I reveal how a little passive-aggressive hostility may be the perfect way to manage that belligerent boss.
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How Your Mind Changes Over Time & The Upside of Uncertainty - SYSK Choice
The letters Rx are somehow related to drug stores. But why? What do those letters actually mean? You probably think they have to do with medication or prescriptions or something. But why Rx? What do those letters stand for. This episode begins with an explanation.
You are SO not the person you once were. Nor are you the person you will one day be. That’s according to Paul Bloom, professor of psychology at the University of Toronto and Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Yale. Listen as he discusses what are most likely the happiest years of your life, why you are different from everyone else on the planet and other fascinating intel into how your mind makes you the person you are. Paul is author of the book Psych: The Story of the Human Mind (
Your future is uncertain. And people generally don’t like uncertainty. That because the future may be full of opportunity, but it can also be full of danger and disappointment – and you don’t know which one is around the corner. However, there is another way to look at uncertainty which my guest Nathan Furr is here to reveal. Nathan is a professor and author of the book The Upside of Uncertainty ( Listen as he offers a different way to face the unknown that will minimize risk and amplify opportunity.
Dio you know the difference between a road a street an avenue and a boulevard? For one thing, all streets are roads but not all roads are streets. Sound confusing? Listen and as I sort it all out.
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Why We’re Wired to Imitate Others & How to Have a Great Conversation
You probably think raw vegetables are healthier than cooked vegetables. Sometimes they are. But some common veggies get a nutrient boost from the right kind of heat. This episode begins with several of those vegetables and an explanation of how cooking makes them better for you.
Humans are wired to imitate others like no other creature on earth. In fact, almost everything you do today is the result of imitating someone else at some point in your life. But wait! Aren’t we independent thinkers with intelligence and ability to think for ourselves? Yes, but according to my guest the primary way you learn everything is by copying others – from driving a car, writing a letter, eating a meal, everything you’ve learned how to do came from imitating others. Here to explain why this is important to understand is R. Alexander Bentley, Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Tennessee and coauthor of the book, I'll Have What She's Having: Mapping Social Behavior (
Your conversational skills are key to your success in every aspect of your life. People like people who speak well. Yet, I suspect no one ever really taught you how to converse. You just do it. Conversation is both an art and a science. And someone who studies it is my guest Alison Wood Brooks, Professor of Business Administration and Hellman Faculty Fellow at the Harvard Business School. She is author of the book TALK: The Science of Conversation and the Art of Being Ourselves ( Listen as she reveals the anatomy of good conversation and what can often go wrong.
One of the cool things about a snowfall is how quiet it is afterwards. And it’s not just quiet – it’s a different kind of quiet. Why is that? Listen as I reveal the science of the quiet after a new fallen snow. Source: Kathy Wollard author of How Come (
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HERS: Hers is changing women's healthcare by providing access to GLP-1 weekly injections with the same active ingredient as Ozempic and Wegovy, as well as oral medication kits. Start your free online visit today at
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Alone Together: The Decline of Social Interaction & Is the Future in Nuclear?
Did you know that Philadelphia Cream Cheese doesn’t come from Philadelphia? Or that marshmallows were originally medicine for kids? This episode begins by looking at some fascinating and unusual origins of food names.
Despite the human need for social interaction, we keep shying away from it. People are less social than before and there are real consequences for that. Listen as we discuss why people are less connected, what the impact of that is and what we need to do to intervene and fix it. My guest is Jeffrey A. Hall is a professor in the Department of Communication Studies and the director of the Relationships and Technology Lab at the University of Kansas and co-author of the book ok The Social Biome: How Everyday Communication Connects and Shapes Us (
When you hear someone talk about nuclear power – what do you think? Nuclear power has a bad image. People think it is unsafe – but is it really? A lot of environmentalists are jumping on the nuclear bandwagon. And the fact is there are almost 100 nuclear reactors in operation in the U.S. with no problem and France actually gets 70% of its power from nuclear. Listen as I discuss all of this with Marco Visscher, an award-winning journalist, who has written extensively about climate policy and clean technology and is author of the book, The Power of Nuclear (
Why do people say umm, ahh and ya know? And have they always said them? Listen as I reveal how those “speech disfluencies” are likely only about 100 years old – and why they are so common now. Source: Michael Erard, author of UM... Slips, Stumbles, and Verbal Blunders, and What They Mean (
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Sometimes all it takes is one little fact or one little piece of wisdom to change your life forever. That's the purpose and the hope of "Something You Should Know." In each episode, host Mike Carruthers interviews top experts in their field to bring you fascinating information and advice to help you save time and money, advance in your career, become wealthy, improve your relationships and help you simply get more out of life. In addition, Mike uncovers and shares short, engaging pieces of "intel" you can use to make your life better - today. Right now.