During this episode – we will talk about proper etiquette regarding face coverings and why it is important to think through your selection of a face covering. Please note, we are not medical doctors, we don’t give advice with regards to the efficacy of wearing a face covering, rather – we explore social intelligence, etiquette, … Continue reading Navigating Face Coverings →
NH Napkins
When you see a string hanging from your cloth napkin, what you do next may alert your fellow diners to what you are really thinking! This episode will discuss what do in situations surrounding napkin usage and how to be socially intelligent in all situations.
NH Polishing Your Shoes
Why are shoes so important to be polished? What is the importance of social intelligence within how you treat your shoes? Take a listen, and you’ll find out why polishing your shoes will help you land a great opportunity!
Episode 10 Navigating Introductions
In this episode, we will discuss proper ways to introduce each other.
Episode 11 Navigating Remembering Names during Introductions
Have a moment and forget a name? Here are some tips for you.