Every other Monday, Pauly and Chance talk about the table top game Blood Bowl (from Games Workshop), discussing both general aspects of the game and giving you ...
Episode 202 - Almanac 2024 and Tournament Discussion
Welcome to episode 202! We tried to write this summary into a palindrome but we're not that good. We talk today about the latest almanac released into the environment. After that, Drew talks a bit about the recent addition to the SCARs tournament series, the Texas Titantic Titan Tussle. Thanks for listening!
Episode 201 - The episode we make sense
Thanks for taking the time! In this year end episode, the crew makes a very solid effort at decoding the Eurobowl rule set whilst trying to stay on task. Part two reviews the Iowa Tournament Series year one results and as always, we listen to our cheering fans!
Episode 200 - Chaos Dwarves 4.0 and Anniversary Gifts
Welcome to Episode 200! Can you believe we've hit 200 Episodes? Thank you for listening all this time! Hopefully you'll stick around after this episode....
Episode 199 - Where there's smoke
Welcome to episode 199 and thanks for listening! The team take some time to speculate on the Nova announcement of the new Chaos Dwarf rosters. In Part Two, Tim and Chance talk through their Gen Con Tourney and Drew talks about the recent Texas Open BB tourneys. It's been awhile, but we're glad you're here.
Episode 198 - Braft, Brawl, and you
Welcome to Episode 198 - Today the fellas walk through this year's Three Die Brawl and Braft, held over Father's Day weekend in June at Critical Hit Games in Iowa City Iowa....Listen to tales of daring do and high adventure as Chance and Tim recap the highlights of both tournaments whilst Drew tries to keep from having to edit too much. Thanks for listening.
Every other Monday, Pauly and Chance talk about the table top game Blood Bowl (from Games Workshop), discussing both general aspects of the game and giving you the rundown of the standings in their local leagues with entertaining and funny commentary.