📖 📚Welcome to Story Warz: A Game of Deceptive Storytelling. Comedians Big Jay Oakerson & Luis J. Gomez face off with some of the biggest names in comedy and e...
032. Annie Lederman, Felipe Esparza, & Kevin Ryan | Games
Comedians Annie Lederman, Felipe Esparza, & Kevin Ryan go head-to-head with Big Jay Oakerson and Luis J. Gomez in an episode of Story Warz centered around GAMES! Who was once so desperate to gamble that they bet on Chinese ponies? Who made a habit of getting kicked out of bars for slap fighting with a friend? Any who once spent $500 trying to win a Teletubby from a claw machine? Find out all this and plenty more, All on this week's STORY WARZ! Original Air Date: 03/10/25Support our sponsors!Go to TurtleBeach.com and use promo code WARZ for 10% off!Check out YoKratom.com, home of the $60 KILO!Visit Mando.com and use promo code WARZ for $5 off your starter pack!__________🔴ALL NEW EPISODES every Monday at 8 PM E only at gasdigital.com/LIVECreate a GaS Digital profile w/ promo code WAR and get discounted access to our massive library of on-demand shows and exclusive live streams (including Legion of Skanks & Real Ass Podcast) days before YouTube, and interact with other fans in the live chat!If you’re NOT a GaS Digital member, you can catch the YouTube Premiere the following THURSDAY at 8pm EST on iTunes, YouTube, & everywhere you find podcasts!__________Story Warz is LIVE every Wednesday🎟️ at thestandnyc.com__________🎙️ LIVE Dates!https://bigjaycomedy.comhttps://luisofskanks.comhttps://notsam.com/https://www.mikecannoncomedy.com/__________📱SOCIAL MEDIAStory Warzhttp://youtube.com/@storywarzhttp://instagram.com/storywarzhttp://x.com/storywarzBig Jay Oakersonhttp://youtube.com/@bigjayoakersonhttp://instagram.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://x.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://tiktok.com/@bigjayoakersonLuis J Gomezhttp://youtube.com/@luisjgomezcomedyhttp://instagram.com/gomezcomedyhttp://x.com/luisjgomezAnnie Lederman https://www.youtube.com/user/annieledermanhttps://www.instagram.com/annielederman/https://x.com/annieledermanhttps://www.tiktok.com/@annieledermanFelipe Esparzahttps://www.youtube.com/@felipeesparzahttps://www.instagram.com/felipeesparzacomedian/https://x.com/funnyfelipehttps://www.tiktok.com/@felipeesparzacomicKevin Ryan https://www.youtube.com/@AreYouGarbagehttps://www.instagram.com/kevinryancomedy/https://x.com/kevinryancomedyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@kevinryancomedyGaS Digital http://youtube.com/@gasdigitalnetwork http://instagram.com/gasdigitalhttp://x.com/gasdigitalSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
031. Sam Roberts, Cipha Sounds, & Mike Cannon | Music
Sam Roberts, Cipha Sounds, & Mike Cannon go head-to-head with Big Jay Oakerson and Luis J. Gomez in a "Music" themed episode of Story Warz! Who cried at a Train concert? Who quit trumpet lessons because their teacher was too ugly to look at? And who almost hooked up with one of the Cheetah Girls? Find out all this and plenty more, all on this week's episode of STORY WARZ!Original Air Date: 03/03/25Support our sponsors!Go to TurtleBeach.com and use promo code WARZ for 10% off!Check out YoKratom.com, home of the $60 KILO!Head to VIIA.co/WARZ and use promo code WARZ for 15% off your order!__________🔴ALL NEW EPISODES every Monday at 8 PM E only at gasdigital.com/LIVECreate a GaS Digital profile w/ promo code WAR and get discounted access to our massive library of on-demand shows and exclusive live streams (including Legion of Skanks & Real Ass Podcast) days before YouTube, and interact with other fans in the live chat!If you’re NOT a GaS Digital member, you can catch the YouTube Premiere the following THURSDAY at 8pm EST on iTunes, YouTube, & everywhere you find podcasts!__________Story Warz is LIVE every Wednesday🎟️ at thestandnyc.com__________🎙️ LIVE Dates!https://bigjaycomedy.comhttps://luisofskanks.comhttps://notsam.com/https://www.mikecannoncomedy.com/__________📱SOCIAL MEDIAStory Warzhttp://youtube.com/@storywarzhttp://instagram.com/storywarzhttp://x.com/storywarzBig Jay Oakersonhttp://youtube.com/@bigjayoakersonhttp://instagram.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://x.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://tiktok.com/@bigjayoakersonLuis J Gomezhttp://youtube.com/@luisjgomezcomedyhttp://instagram.com/gomezcomedyhttp://x.com/luisjgomezSam Robertshttps://www.youtube.com/notsamhttps://www.instagram.com/notsam/https://x.com/notsamhttps://www.tiktok.com/@notsamrobertsCipha Soundshttps://www.youtube.com/@ciphasoundshttps://www.instagram.com/ciphasounds/https://x.com/ciphasoundshttps://www.tiktok.com/@ciphasoundsMike Cannonhttps://www.youtube.com/user/dongcomic2https://www.instagram.com/iammikecannon/https://x.com/iammikecannonhttps://www.tiktok.com/@iammikecannonGaS Digital http://youtube.com/@gasdigitalnetwork http://instagram.com/gasdigitalhttp://x.com/gasdigitalSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
030. Bobby Lee, Adam Ray, & Greg Fitzsimmons | Los Angeles
Comedians Bobby Lee, Adam Ray, & Greg Fitzsimmons go head-to-head with Big Jay Oakerson and Luis J. Gomez in this "Los Angeles" themed episode of Story Warz recorded LIVE from The Comedy Store! Which comedian attended a celebrity’s birthday party at the Manson murder property? Who juggled two dates at the same time at an LA comedy club? And who rushed the stage to celebrate with a total stranger on The Price is Right? Find out all this and plenty more, all on this week's episode of STORY WARZ! Original Air Date: 02/24/25Support our sponsors!Go to Lucy.co/WARZ & use code WARZ for 20% off your first order w FREE SHIPPING!Head to JoinCrowdHealth.com/WARZ to get the healthcare you deserve! Visit Mando.com and use promo code WARZ for $5 off your starter pack!Check out YoKratom.com, home of the $60 KILO!__________🔴ALL NEW EPISODES every Monday at 8 PM E only at gasdigital.com/LIVECreate a GaS Digital profile w/ promo code WAR and get discounted access to our massive library of on-demand shows and exclusive live streams (including Legion of Skanks & Real Ass Podcast) days before YouTube, and interact with other fans in the live chat!If you’re NOT a GaS Digital member, you can catch the YouTube Premiere the following THURSDAY at 8pm EST on iTunes, YouTube, & everywhere you find podcasts!__________Story Warz is LIVE every Wednesday🎟️ at thestandnyc.com__________🎙️ LIVE Dates!https://bigjaycomedy.comhttps://luisofskanks.comhttps://www.bobbylee.live/https://adamraycomedy.com/https://gregfitzsimmons.com/__________📱SOCIAL MEDIAStory Warzhttp://youtube.com/@storywarzhttp://instagram.com/storywarzhttp://x.com/storywarzBig Jay Oakersonhttp://youtube.com/@bigjayoakersonhttp://instagram.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://x.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://tiktok.com/@bigjayoakersonLuis J Gomezhttp://youtube.com/@luisjgomezcomedyhttp://instagram.com/gomezcomedyhttp://x.com/luisjgomezBobby Leehttps://www.youtube.com/@bobbyleehttps://www.instagram.com/bobbyleelive/https://x.com/bobbyleelivehttps://www.tiktok.com/@bobbyleeclipsAdam Rayhttps://www.youtube.com/@adamraycomedyhttps://www.instagram.com/adamraycomedy/https://x.com/adamraycomedyhttps://www.tiktok.com/@adamraycomedyGreg Fitzsimmonshttps://www.youtube.com/@GregFitzsimmonsComedyhttps://www.instagram.com/gregfitzsimmons/https://x.com/GregFitzShowhttps://www.tiktok.com/@gregfitzshowGaS Digital http://youtube.com/@gasdigitalnetwork http://instagram.com/gasdigitalhttp://x.com/gasdigitalSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
029. Sal Vulcano, Bonnie McFarlane, & Julian McCullough | Parenthood
Comedians Sal Vulcano, Bonnie McFarlane, & Julian McCullough go head-to-head with Big Jay Oakerson and Luis J. Gomez in a parenthood themed episode of Story Warz! Who lost their kid in an elevator? Who refused to take their child to the hospital? And who hasn't left home without a weapon since becoming a parent? Find out all this and plenty more, all on this week's Story Warz!Original Air Date: 02/17/25Support our sponsors!Go to Lucy.co/WARZ & use code WARZ for 20% off your first order w FREE SHIPPING!Head to CornbreadHemp.com/WARZ and use code WARZ for up to 30% off your first order!Visit Mando.com and use promo code WARZ for $5 off your starter pack!Check out YoKratom.com, home of the $60 KILO!__________🔴ALL NEW EPISODES every Monday at 8 PM E only at gasdigital.com/LIVECreate a GaS Digital profile w/ promo code WAR and get discounted access to our massive library of on-demand shows and exclusive live streams (including Legion of Skanks & Real Ass Podcast) days before YouTube, and interact with other fans in the live chat!If you’re NOT a GaS Digital member, you can catch the YouTube Premiere the following THURSDAY at 8pm EST on iTunes, YouTube, & everywhere you find podcasts!__________Story Warz is LIVE every Wednesday🎟️ at thestandnyc.com__________🎙️ LIVE Dates!https://bigjaycomedy.comhttps://luisofskanks.com__________📱SOCIAL MEDIAStory Warzhttp://youtube.com/@storywarzhttp://instagram.com/storywarzhttp://x.com/storywarzBig Jay Oakersonhttp://youtube.com/@bigjayoakersonhttp://instagram.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://x.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://tiktok.com/@bigjayoakersonLuis J Gomezhttp://youtube.com/@luisjgomezcomedyhttp://instagram.com/gomezcomedyhttp://x.com/luisjgomezSal Vulcanohttps://www.youtube.com/@salvulcanoofficialhttps://www.instagram.com/salvulcano/https://x.com/salvulcanohttps://www.tiktok.com/@salvulcanoBonnie McFarlanehttps://www.instagram.com/bonniemcfarlane/https://x.com/bonniemcfarlanehttps://www.tiktok.com/@comedianbonniemcfarlaneJulian McCulloughhttps://www.youtube.com/@julianmcculloughhttps://www.instagram.com/julianmccullough/GaS Digital http://youtube.com/@gasdigitalnetwork http://instagram.com/gasdigitalhttp://x.com/gasdigitalSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
028. Yamaneika Saunders, Jordan Jensen, & Brendan Sagalow | Romance
Comedians Yamaneika Saunders, Jordan Jensen, & Brendan Sagalow for a ROMANCE themed episode of Story Warz! Who shares a tattoo with their ex? Which comedian wore aluminum foil as braces in attempt to attract their crush? And who threw their own poop out the bathroom window in the name of love? Find out all this and plenty more, ALL on this week's episode of STORY WARZ! Original Air Date: 02/10/25Support our sponsors!Go to Lucy.co/WARZ & use code WARZ for 20% off your first order w FREE SHIPPING!Head to CornbreadHemp.com/WARZ and use code WARZ for up to 30% off your first order!Visit Mando.com and use promo code WARZ for $5 off your starter pack!Check out YoKratom.com, home of the $60 KILO!__________🔴ALL NEW EPISODES every Monday at 8 PM E only at gasdigital.com/LIVECreate a GaS Digital profile w/ promo code WAR and get discounted access to our massive library of on-demand shows and exclusive live streams (including Legion of Skanks & Real Ass Podcast) days before YouTube, and interact with other fans in the live chat!If you’re NOT a GaS Digital member, you can catch the YouTube Premiere the following THURSDAY at 8pm EST on iTunes, YouTube, & everywhere you find podcasts!__________Story Warz is LIVE every Wednesday🎟️ at thestandnyc.com__________🎙️ LIVE Dates!https://bigjaycomedy.comhttps://luisofskanks.comhttps://www.jordanjensencomedy.com/https://brendansagalow.com/__________📱SOCIAL MEDIAStory Warzhttp://youtube.com/@storywarzhttp://instagram.com/storywarzhttp://x.com/storywarzBig Jay Oakersonhttp://youtube.com/@bigjayoakersonhttp://instagram.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://x.com/bigjayoakersonhttp://tiktok.com/@bigjayoakersonLuis J Gomezhttp://youtube.com/@luisjgomezcomedyhttp://instagram.com/gomezcomedyhttp://x.com/luisjgomezYamaneika Saundershttps://www.youtube.com/@Yamaneikahttps://www.instagram.com/yamaneika/https://x.com/yamaneikahttps://www.tiktok.com/@yamaneikaJordan Jensenhttps://www.youtube.com/@jordanjensenlolstophttps://www.instagram.com/jordanjensenlolstop/https://x.com/bigboywumbushttps://www.tiktok.com/@jordanjensenlolstopBrendan Sagalowhttps://www.youtube.com/@brendansagalowhttps://www.instagram.com/brendansagalow/https://x.com/brendansagalowhttps://www.tiktok.com/@brendansagalowGaS Digital http://youtube.com/@gasdigitalnetwork http://instagram.com/gasdigitalhttp://x.com/gasdigitalSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
📖 📚Welcome to Story Warz: A Game of Deceptive Storytelling. Comedians Big Jay Oakerson & Luis J. Gomez face off with some of the biggest names in comedy and entertainment for this hilarious game of wits and deception… LIVE from The Stand Comedy Club in New York City!