We are Doctors of Physical Therapy who specialize in rehabilitation, performance, and injury risk reduction. Our mission is simple: empower YOU to overcome your...
193. Spinal Manipulation: What's Actually Happening? w/ Casper Nim
Chris Hughen sat down with Casper Nim to discuss all things Spinal Manipulation. We dive into what spinal manipulations definitely aren’t doing, improving manual therapy education, navigating treatment options, the narratives behind an intervention, and much more. Watch the full episode: https://youtu.be/yyPm_2IrOow Episode Resources: Casper’s ResearchGate Nim, 2025 Nim, 2021 --- Follow Us: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/e3rehab Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e3rehab/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/E3Rehab --- Rehab & Performance Programs: https://store.e3rehab.com/ Newsletter: https://e3rehab.ck.page/19eae53ac1 Coaching & Consultations: https://e3rehab.com/coaching/ Mentoring: https://e3rehab.com/mentorship-intake-form/ Articles: https://e3rehab.com/articles/ --- Podcast Sponsors: Legion Athletics: Get 20% off using "E3REHAB" at checkout! - https://legionathletics.rfrl.co/wdp5g Vivo Barefoot: Get 15% off all shoes! - https://www.vivobarefoot.com/e3rehab --- @dr.surdykapt @tony.comella @dr.nicolept @chrishughen @nateh_24 --- This episode was produced by Kody Hughes
192. Athletic Hip and Groin Pain w/ Enda King
Chris Hughen sat down with Enda King to discuss Athletic Hip and Groin Pain. We dive into the initial assessment and differential diagnosis process, creating effective learning environments, challenges during hip and groin rehab, and much more. Watch the full episode: https://youtu.be/LoTNBLA6Ywc Episode Resources: Enda’s Website Enda’s Instagram Enda’s Twitter --- Follow Us: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/e3rehab Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e3rehab/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/E3Rehab --- Rehab & Performance Programs: https://store.e3rehab.com/ Newsletter: https://e3rehab.ck.page/19eae53ac1 Coaching & Consultations: https://e3rehab.com/coaching/ Mentoring: https://e3rehab.com/mentorship-intake-form/ Articles: https://e3rehab.com/articles/ --- Podcast Sponsors: Legion Athletics: Get 20% off using "E3REHAB" at checkout! - https://legionathletics.rfrl.co/wdp5g Vivo Barefoot: Get 15% off all shoes! - https://www.vivobarefoot.com/e3rehab --- @dr.surdykapt @tony.comella @dr.nicolept @chrishughen @nateh_24 --- This episode was produced by Kody Hughes
Chris Hughen sat down with Beau Tyrrell to discuss all things Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, commonly referred to as Shin Splints. Beau dives into the importance of ruling out a bone stress injury, recovery timelines, management strategies, and much more. Watch the full episode: https://youtu.be/qE-GNFlMd3E Episode Resources: Beau’s Instagram Winters, 2017 Winters, 2018 Milgrom, 2020 --- Follow Us: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/e3rehab Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e3rehab/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/E3Rehab --- Rehab & Performance Programs: https://store.e3rehab.com/ Newsletter: https://e3rehab.ck.page/19eae53ac1 Coaching & Consultations: https://e3rehab.com/coaching/ Mentoring: https://e3rehab.com/mentorship-intake-form/ Articles: https://e3rehab.com/articles/ --- Podcast Sponsors: Legion Athletics: Get 20% off using "E3REHAB" at checkout! - https://legionathletics.rfrl.co/wdp5g Vivo Barefoot: Get 15% off all shoes! - https://www.vivobarefoot.com/e3rehab --- @dr.surdykapt @tony.comella @dr.nicolept @chrishughen @nateh_24 --- This episode was produced by Kody Hughes
190. How and Why Do Treatments Work? w/ Chad Cook
Chris Hughen sat down with Chad Cook to discuss all things shared and specific mechanisms. We dive into a variety of topics including: non-specific effects, natural history, clinician bias, patient variability in treatment response, and much more. Watch the full episode: https://youtu.be/hcasjnLLEE0 Episode Resources: Shared and Specific Mechanisms for MSK Conditions Paper Shared and Specific Mechanisms for Chronic Neck Pain: Study Protocol Chad’s ResearchGate Chad’s Twitter --- Follow Us: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/e3rehab Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e3rehab/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/E3Rehab --- Rehab & Performance Programs: https://store.e3rehab.com/ Newsletter: https://e3rehab.ck.page/19eae53ac1 Coaching & Consultations: https://e3rehab.com/coaching/ Mentoring: https://e3rehab.com/mentorship-intake-form/ Articles: https://e3rehab.com/articles/ --- Podcast Sponsors: Legion Athletics: Get 20% off using "E3REHAB" at checkout! - https://legionathletics.rfrl.co/wdp5g Vivo Barefoot: Get 15% off all shoes! - https://www.vivobarefoot.com/e3rehab Tindeq: Get 10% off your dynamometer using code “E3REHAB” at checkout - https://tindeq.com/ --- @dr.surdykapt @tony.comella @dr.nicolept @chrishughen @nateh_24 --- This episode was produced by Kody Hughes
189. A Deep Dive Into Tendon Rehab w/ Marc Surdyka
Chris Hughen sat down with Marc Surdyka to discuss all things tendon rehab. We dive into the evolution of tendon pain terminology, the role of inflammation, loading protocols, clinical applications, and much more. Watch the full episode: https://youtu.be/mF5CtFnVtO4 Episode Resources: Video: How to Rehab Tendon Injuries and Pain Article: How to Rehab Tendon Injuries and Pain --- Follow Us: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/e3rehab Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/e3rehab/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/E3Rehab --- Rehab & Performance Programs: https://store.e3rehab.com/ Newsletter: https://e3rehab.ck.page/19eae53ac1 Coaching & Consultations: https://e3rehab.com/coaching/ Mentoring: https://e3rehab.com/mentorship-intake-form/ Articles: https://e3rehab.com/articles/ --- Podcast Sponsors: Legion Athletics: Get 20% off using "E3REHAB" at checkout! - https://legionathletics.rfrl.co/wdp5g Vivo Barefoot: Get 20% off all shoes! - https://www.vivobarefoot.com/e3rehab --- @dr.surdykapt @tony.comella @dr.nicolept @chrishughen @nateh_24 --- This episode was produced by Kody Hughes
We are Doctors of Physical Therapy who specialize in rehabilitation, performance, and injury risk reduction. Our mission is simple: empower YOU to overcome your setbacks and crush your goals using evidence-based education. Check out our YouTube, Blog, Podcast, and Rehab Programs!