Content Inc. is for entrepreneurs and startups who want to be big - not by creating and selling more products and services - but by developing a loyal audience ...
Mel Robbins & Her Three-Part Content Strategy (488)
The original "three legs of the stool" for publishing was online, in print and in-person. For today's content creator it's still three legs, but they've changed. Here's a great example of Mel Robbins and her "three legs" content creation strategy: a book, speaking and a show. ------- Like this episode? SUBSCRIBE on Apple, Spotify or Google. See all Content Inc episodes at the Content Inc. podcast home. Get my personal newsletter today and receive my free goal-setting guide today.
Who's Your Hero in 10 Years? (487)
The craziest thing about humanity is that we are the only mammals that know there is a future and can set goals and achieve those goals, but most humans don’t do this. In this episode we break down Matthew McConaughey's Oscar award speech and see how we can become our own hero in 10 years. Matthew McConaughey Oscar Speech Snoop Dogg Acceptance Speech Snoop Dogg Thank Me Song ------- Like this episode? SUBSCRIBE on Apple, Spotify or Google. See all Content Inc episodes at the Content Inc. podcast home. Get my personal newsletter today and receive my free goal-setting guide today.
4 Steps to Becoming THE Known Expert in Your Industry (486)
A special episode this week with Marcus Sheridan, author of the new book "Endless Customers." Marcus teaches us about the four-step process for creating more trust with our customers, positioning us as the most known and leading expert in our industry. This includes saying what others aren't willing to say, leaning into video, selling differently and showing your human side. You will get at least one amazing nugget that will change your business forever. Pick up Endless Customers by Marcus Sheridan today. ------- Like this episode? SUBSCRIBE on Apple, Spotify or Google. See all Content Inc episodes at the Content Inc. podcast home. Get my personal newsletter today and receive my free goal-setting guide today.
Starting or Stopping Anything with the Seven-Minute Method (485)
Beginning or stopping a habit is difficult at best. Sometimes we overthink it and become overwhelmed. Well, anyone can do anything for seven minutes. Try out this seven-minute method for the next habit you want to start or stop. ------- Like this episode? SUBSCRIBE on Apple, Spotify or Google. See all Content Inc episodes at the Content Inc. podcast home. Get my personal newsletter today and receive my free goal-setting guide today.
Finding Your Yes, But Differentiation Message (484)
While in Key West, Florida this month I've been to the best bars and restaurants in the area. The ones we go back to all seem to be known for something...and I can tell someone how they are different in an elevator pitch. I realized all these places have a yes...but. We all need a yes...but. What's yours? ------- Like this episode? SUBSCRIBE on Apple, Spotify or Google. See all Content Inc episodes at the Content Inc. podcast home. Get my personal newsletter today and receive my free goal-setting guide today.
Content Inc. is for entrepreneurs and startups who want to be big - not by creating and selling more products and services - but by developing a loyal audience through remarkable content. Podcast creator Joe Pulizzi, known as the "godfather of content marketing," believes that most small businesses and startups are going to market in the wrong way. Instead of leading first with product, Joe believes entrepreneurs should be building audiences...then they can sell whatever they want. Each podcast contains one inspirational idea that can change your business - all in less than 10 minutes per episode.