Welcome to the world of Yoga Nidrā. If you're searching for a soothing and transformative practice before bedtime or when you wake, you've come to the right pla...
Welcome to Yoga Nidrā: Guided Sessions your go-to destination for authentic Yoga Nidra experiences. Dive into the soothing depths of relaxation with our guided sessions designed to help you access profound states of restorative rest.
In this episode, the sixth of seven, embark on a journey to rebalance your Ajna, or third eye chakra.
Whether you're new to Yoga Nidrā or a seasoned practitioner, join us for a session crafted to let go of doubts, align with your intuition, and find the right path for you. Tune in, unwind, let go that which no longer serves you and reconnect with mental peace.
Yoga Nidrā for Vishuddha, the Throat Chakra
Welcome to Yoga Nidrā: Guided Sessions your go-to destination for authentic Yoga Nidra experiences. Dive into the soothing depths of relaxation with our guided sessions designed to help you access profound states of restorative rest.
In this episode, the fifth of seven, embark on a journey to rebalance your Ajna, or throat chakra.
Whether you're new to Yoga Nidrā or a seasoned practitioner, join us for a session crafted to accept the power of your voice, and the courage to connect more deeply to your surroundings. Tune in, unwind, let go that which no longer serves you and reconnect with mental peace.
Yoga Nidrā for Manipura, the Solar Plexus Chakra
Welcome to Yoga Nidrā: Guided Sessions your go-to destination for authentic Yoga Nidra experiences. Dive into the soothing depths of relaxation with our guided sessions designed to help you access profound states of restorative rest.
In this episode, the third of seven, embark on a journey to rebalance your Manipura, or solar plexus chakra.
Whether you're new to Yoga Nidrā or a seasoned practitioner, join us for a session crafted to let go of anxiety and tune in to the strongest version of yourself. Tune in, unwind, let go that which no longer serves you and reconnect with mental peace.
Yoga Nidrā for Swadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra
Welcome to Yoga Nidrā: Guided Sessions your go-to destination for authentic Yoga Nidra experiences. Dive into the soothing depths of relaxation with our guided sessions designed to help you access profound states of restorative rest.
In this episode, the second of seven, embark on a journey to rebalance your Swadhisthana, or sacral chakra.
Whether you're new to Yoga Nidrā or a seasoned practitioner, join us for a session crafted to foster inner flow, openness and acceptance to reality as it is, not as we would like it to be. Tune in, unwind, let go that which no longer serves you and reconnect with mental peace.
Yoga Nidrā: Full Guided Session #4
Yoga Nidrā, also called “dream yoga” has fairly simple mechanics: you lie down in a comfortable position, usually savasana, and a voice guides you. But to delve a little deeper into the topic, Nidra explores Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses).
Yoga nidra is a form of tantra. It does not mean “sleep” nor “concentration”. It is opening the inner chambers of your mind. In yoga Nidrā, you descend into the inner dimension of your consciousness. The sound of my voice acts as a guide.
Before starting a Yoga Nidrā practice it is very useful to have an intention (or "Sankalpa") prepared that you can use regularly during sessions. I invite you to think deeply about a simple, positive phrase in the present time that fills you with joy.
When we repeat the Sankalpa mentally at the beginning and ending of a Yoga Nidrā session, we are planting and water a seed in the deepest level of our mind. This allows us to shape positive habits that help us achieve our biggest life objectives.
Yoga Nidra will help you release stress and restore your internal balance.
To make the most of the benefits of this session, we recommend that, in the hours following, you avoid consuming alcohol or participating in activities that require intense physical effort. Instead, we invite you to enjoy the peaceful effects of this practice in the hours that follow, including throughout the next day. Get ready for a deep and renewing relaxation experience.
Welcome to the world of Yoga Nidrā. If you're searching for a soothing and transformative practice before bedtime or when you wake, you've come to the right place. Yoga Nidrā, a NSDR guided technique ("non-sleep deep relaxation") rooted in ancient yogic teachings, offers a blissful state of "yogic sleep."
Enjoy one of the many free guided naps or join as a paid subscriber for access to longer sessions. Unlock a world of deep rest, inner peace, and personal transformation.
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