Join John and Ryan as they explore the field of neuropsychology through the presentation of cutting edge scientific findings, discussion of important topic area...
163| Summary Scores – A Conversation With Dr. Andrew Kiselica
Today we give you our third conversation with Dr. Andrew Kiselica regarding aspects of neuropsychological test interpretation, with the current discussion focusing on summary scores. Show notes are available at _________________ If you’d like to support the show, here are a few easy ways: 1) Get CE credits for listening to select episodes: 2) Tell your friends and colleagues about it 3) Subscribe (free) and leave an Apple Podcasts rating/review: 4) Check out our book Becoming a Neuropsychologist, and leave it an Amazon rating Thanks for listening, and join us next time as we continue to navigate the brain and behavior! [Note: This podcast and all linked content is intended for general educational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of psychology or any other professional healthcare advice and services. No professional relationship is formed between hosts and listeners. All content is to be used at listeners’ own risk. Users should always seek appropriate medical and psychological care from their licensed healthcare provider.]
162| Bilingualism in Pediatric Neuropsychology – A Conversation With Dr. Veronica Bordes Edgar
This episode is a conversation about the neuropsychology of bilingualism, with a focus on children and the developing brain. We review concepts including language acquisition during fetal and early life development, sequential versus simultaneous bilingualism, L1 versus L2, BICS and CALP, cognitive effects of bilingualism (particularly executive functions), neuroanatomy and neuroimaging, and impact of SES on language development. We also cover clinically oriented topics related to conducting neuropsychological evaluations in bilingual children, such as assessing language proficiency prior to cognitive testing, effectively utilizing interpreters, normative data selection, report writing, feedback, and teleneuropsychology. Show notes are available at _________________ If you’d like to support the show, here are a few easy ways: 1) Get CE credits for listening to select episodes: 2) Tell your friends and colleagues about it 3) Subscribe (free) and leave an Apple Podcasts rating/review: 4) Check out our book Becoming a Neuropsychologist, and leave it an Amazon rating Thanks for listening, and join us next time as we continue to navigate the brain and behavior! [Note: This podcast and all linked content is intended for general educational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of psychology or any other professional healthcare advice and services. No professional relationship is formed between hosts and listeners. All content is to be used at listeners’ own risk. Users should always seek appropriate medical and psychological care from their licensed healthcare provider.]
161| Multivariate Base Rates – A Conversation With Dr. Andrew Kiselica
Today we give you our second conversation with Dr. Andrew Kiselica regarding aspects of neuropsychological test interpretation, with the current discussion focusing on multivariate base rates. Show notes are available at _________________ If you’d like to support the show, here are a few easy ways: 1) Get CE credits for listening to select episodes: 2) Tell your friends and colleagues about it 3) Subscribe (free) and leave an Apple Podcasts rating/review: 4) Check out our book Becoming a Neuropsychologist, and leave it an Amazon rating Thanks for listening, and join us next time as we continue to navigate the brain and behavior! [Note: This podcast and all linked content is intended for general educational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of psychology or any other professional healthcare advice and services. No professional relationship is formed between hosts and listeners. All content is to be used at listeners’ own risk. Users should always seek appropriate medical and psychological care from their licensed healthcare provider.]
160| Introduction to Neuropsychological Test Interpretation and Regression-Based Norms – A Conversation With Dr. Andrew Kiselica
Today we give you our conversation with Dr. Andrew Kiselica about neuropsychological test interpretation. Andrew is a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist and Associate Professor in the Institute of Gerontology at the University of Georgia. He recently first authored a review paper providing clinically relevant guidance regarding neuropsych test interpretation. In the paper they cover a variety of specific topics such as regression based norms, multivariate base rates, and within-person variability, among others. In our conversation with Andrew, we covered most of these individual topics and we are going to break this one up and release it in chunks, with each episode reflecting a different topic. Today’s topic is an overall introduction to neuropsychological test interpretation and then a specific conversation about regression based norms. Show notes are available at _________________ If you’d like to support the show, here are a few easy ways: 1) Get CE credits for listening to select episodes: 2) Tell your friends and colleagues about it 3) Subscribe (free) and leave an Apple Podcasts rating/review: 4) Check out our book Becoming a Neuropsychologist, and leave it an Amazon rating Thanks for listening, and join us next time as we continue to navigate the brain and behavior! [Note: This podcast and all linked content is intended for general educational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of psychology or any other professional healthcare advice and services. No professional relationship is formed between hosts and listeners. All content is to be used at listeners’ own risk. Users should always seek appropriate medical and psychological care from their licensed healthcare provider.]
159| Neuropsych Bite: Board Certification Study Strategies
Last month we announced our new online board study resource, where we link specific NavNeuro episodes to chapters in the Clinical Neuropsychology Study Guide and Board Review textbook. You can find the webpage by going to In keeping with the theme, today we will be sharing advice for how to study for the exam. Also, check out the show notes for additional resources. Show notes are available at _________________ If you’d like to support the show, here are a few easy ways: 1) Get CE credits for listening to select episodes: 2) Tell your friends and colleagues about it 3) Subscribe (free) and leave an Apple Podcasts rating/review: 4) Check out our book Becoming a Neuropsychologist, and leave it an Amazon rating Thanks for listening, and join us next time as we continue to navigate the brain and behavior! [Note: This podcast and all linked content is intended for general educational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of psychology or any other professional healthcare advice and services. No professional relationship is formed between hosts and listeners. All content is to be used at listeners’ own risk. Users should always seek appropriate medical and psychological care from their licensed healthcare provider.]
Join John and Ryan as they explore the field of neuropsychology through the presentation of cutting edge scientific findings, discussion of important topic areas, and interviews with experts in a variety of relevant fields. The three main objectives of the podcast are to
1) Provide interesting, relevant, and easily-accessible information for students and professionals in neuropsychology, as well as anyone who is interested in brain-behavior relationships.
2) Begin working towards unification on important areas of debate within neuropsychology, while also encouraging the expression of diverse, creative ideas and opinions.
3) Act as an outlet for innovative ideas and breaking news in the field, to allow listeners to stay abreast of current scientific and professional developments in neuropsychology.
Check out for more information about the show.