If you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need a little encouragement, Comfort Affirmations is your go-to podcast for support, real stories, and honest conversation...
Your Day 12 Mirror Work Meditation: Louise Hay Mindfulness Meditation Creating a Safe and Loving World
✨ Tired of ads interrupting your moments of calm?Take back your peace with our AD-FREE experience designed just for you.💜 Subscribe now and enjoy uninterrupted comfort:https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/comfortfriends/subscribe
Powerful Positive Morning Affirmations for Success
Listen to Attract Success Now :)✨ Tired of ads interrupting your moments of calm?Take back your peace with our AD-FREE experience designed just for you.💜 Subscribe now and enjoy uninterrupted comfort:https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/comfortfriends/subscribe
Your Day 11 Mirror Work Meditation: Louise Hay Morning Meditation for Self Love
Your Healing Light Today you address anger: how to process it and release it before it makes you sick, and how to allow space inside for more positive emotions.✨ Tired of ads interrupting your moments of calm?Take back your peace with our AD-FREE experience designed just for you.💜 Subscribe now and enjoy uninterrupted comfort:https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/comfortfriends/subscribe
Positive Daily "I Am" Affirmations for Confidence
The Power of Positive AffirmationsAffirmations are positive statements that help you deal with negative feelings, thoughts, and situations. This may sound too simple; repeating the same sentences won't change anything around you. But research shows that positive thinking can rewire your brain, changing the way you feel about things. Affirmations work because of neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to adapt to new situations. Affirmations are helpful for numerous reasons: Help you reprogram your subconsciousness Encourage you to create a better picture of yourself and your surroundings Lower your stress levels Decrease worry, fear, and anxiety Improve the quality of life Provide feelings of harmony, happiness, and optimism✨ Tired of ads interrupting your moments of calm?Take back your peace with our AD-FREE experience designed just for you.💜 Subscribe now and enjoy uninterrupted comfort:https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/comfortfriends/subscribe
Your Day 10 Mirror Work Meditation: Louise Hay Positive Affirmations for Health
Positive Affirmations for Health ✨ Tired of ads interrupting your moments of calm?Take back your peace with our AD-FREE experience designed just for you.💜 Subscribe now and enjoy uninterrupted comfort:https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/comfortfriends/subscribe
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need a little encouragement, Comfort Affirmations is your go-to podcast for support, real stories, and honest conversations that inspire and uplift you.