On the Brains and Gains podcast, Dr. David Maconi discusses all things exercise science, nutrition, health, and personal development. Every week, Dr. Maconi inv...
0:00- Intro1:00- CGM and Peter Attia’s recommendations11:00- Lipids. LDL, ApoB24:00- Hedonic eating31:00- Our super power to manipulate weight33:00- Health ramifications of excess junk food37:00- Exercise “snacks” and intermittent exercising40:00- Levels of enjoyment from food49:00- Hunger and appetite55:30- Calorie cycling59:30- What it takes to maintain peak physique and performance1:01:00- Low volume training1:20:00- Aaron’s PED update
Eric Helms (Part 2) - AtlasPowerShrugged Debate, How Hard To Push, Scientific Evidence
0:00- Fitness industry pulling back on high volumes6:00- How hard to push rest-pause sets 21:00- Attack on Science-Based lifting
Eric Helms (Part 1) - Altered States of Mind, Being "In The Zone", Counting Volume
0:00- Intro 1:00- Altered states of mind 13:00- Back to bodybuilding 13:30- High volume workouts 25:00- Being “in the zone” all of the time 39:00- Counting drop set and rest-pause volumes 59:30- Adjusting to lowering weights
Steve Hall - Severe Dieting, Loving Training, Tattoos in Bodybuilding
0:00- Intro 1:00- Podcast guests 4:50- Steve shaving his head 9:30- Severe dieting for competition 21:00- Reversing out of the diet 26:00- Amount of food consumed 28:30- Full day of eating 38:00- How are we feeling training in our 30s. 44:30- Steve adding new exercises 49:30- New hobbies 1:01:00- Tattoos
AtlasPowerShrugged - TRT Being Pushed, Influencers Shilling Products, Core Work and Calisthenics
0:00- Intro1:00- TRT being pushed in the fitness industry 12:00- Industry “experts” shilling products and other influencers21:30- Misconceptions about true TRT25:30- Belt squat donkey calf raises32:00- Core work / thick abs / Calisthenics44:30- Muscle ups and impressiveness52:00- What Atlas plans to do moving forward
On the Brains and Gains podcast, Dr. David Maconi discusses all things exercise science, nutrition, health, and personal development. Every week, Dr. Maconi invites health experts and thought leaders to share their expertise. Each episode ends with a charity donation to the charity of the guest's choice.