Embark on an exciting journey as we unravel the mysteries hidden within the pages of Uncanny X-Men.
Each week our host Lodro Rinzler is in conversation with a...
Meg Boland: Gambit, Professional Tax Evader - Uncanny X-Men 185
Welcome true believers to X-Men Horoscopes where each week our host Lodro Rinzler is in conversation with a special guest to discuss the X-Men issue that aligns with a significant month and year from their life and what that issue reveals about their future.
With us this week is the hilarious Meg Boland aka PunkerDuckie on Instagram which is just fantastic X-Men memes. We look at her birth month and year issue - Uncanny X-Men 185 - where the government is hunting Rogue with a mutant depowering gun! It goes sideways! Gambit hates taxes!
Also in this episode:
how so many of us imprinted on Rogue and Gambit like baby ducks as role models for romantic relationships
Lodro wasn’t allowed to name his dog Wolverine
in the future people don’t know how to use telephones
Mystique really knows how to make a house a home...inside the Pentagon
Twilight is just the next generation's version of the Rogue and Gambit yearning
Rogues first joyful experience of her powers
Plus Meg gets her X-Men tarot reading! What does any of this mean for her future? Tune in to find out!
Meg Boland AKA PunkerDuckie, an elder millennial who has been obsessed with Gambit since she was 8 years old. She currently relentlessly posts memes on social media, as well as running the website gambitspotting.com where she publishes upcoming Gambit appearances, variant cover announcements, convention merch exclusives, actor meet & greets, signature opportunities, and of course links for the newest Gambit swag to buy! When not nerding out she spends time with her husband and 4 dogs on the Central Coast of California.
More of Lodro Rinzler's work can be found here and here and you can follow the podcast on Instagram at xmenpanelsdaily where we post X-Men comic panels...daily. Have a question or comment for a future episode? Reach out at xmenhoroscopes.com
Anthony Oliveira: Cyttorak is a Drama Queen - Uncanny X-Men 183
Welcome true believers to X-Men Horoscopes where each week our host Lodro Rinzler is in conversation with a special guest to discuss the X-Men issue that aligns with a significant month and year from their life and what that issue reveals about their future.
This week we are joined by the charming and effervescent Anthony Oliveira, writer of Avengers Academy (Lodro's fav comic right now). We explore the massive question, "What does it mean to want to be good?" as we talk through everything Avengers Academy where Anthony proves that he is a wizard for making Lodro care about characters like Norman Osborn.
But enough about this incredible book, let's talk X-Men. Anthony was born in the month coinciding with Uncanny X-Men 183 where Colossus breaks up with 14 year-old Kitty Pryde and boy are the X-Men pissed about it. Then Colossus spills a beer on the Juggernaut who was about to go home with Selene and now he's pissed at Colossus too.
Also in this episode:
Cyttorak is a drama queen
Emplate is a gay S&M bondage vampire
Anthony was obsessed with the X-Men villain pronounced A Poke Uh Lips
Lodro thinks Angel is still dating Husk
Dating Deathbird is gay
Everyone's relationship is everyone's business
Xavier cuts the Juggernaut out of all family photos
Juggernaut knows his color blocking
...and Anthony gets his X-Men tarot reading! What does any of this mean for his future? Tune in to find out!
Anthony Oliveira is a multiple National Magazine and GLAAD award-winning writer, pop culture critic, and PhD based in Toronto. A frequent contributor to Marvel Comics, he has written for Young Avengers, X-Men, and Captain Marvel, earning a 2020 GLAAD Media Award and multiple nominations. His work spans comics, prose, and journalism, often exploring queer themes. Notable titles include Wiccan & Hulkling: Last Annihilation, Lords of Empyre: Emperor Hulkling, and Young Avengers: Paradox Lost. His debut novel, Dayspring, was released in 2024 to critical acclaim. He also hosts The Devil’s Party, a podcast examining Christian literature through a queer lens. You can find him on Instagram here.
More of Lodro Rinzler's work can be found here and here and you can follow the podcast on Instagram at xmenpanelsdaily where we post X-Men comic panels...daily. Have a question or comment for a future episode? Reach out at xmenhoroscopes.com
Kissi Frost: Gambit is a Precious Lad - Uncanny X-Men 312
Welcome true believers to X-Men Horoscopes where each week our host Lodro Rinzler is in conversation with a special guest to discuss the X-Men issue that aligns with a significant month and year from their life and what that issue reveals about their future.
On this week's episode we are joined by the incredibly charming and kind cosplayer Kissi Frost to cover the PHALANX. We're getting techno-organic y'all!
First off, Uncanny X-Men 312 (their birth month and year issue) is entitled ROMP and the Phalanx are not a romp but we have a great time with it. In this episode:
if you’re gonna date an X-Man you have to accept polyamory to a certain degree
Lodro thought ninja sais would be more readily available as an adult (again)
it's hard to understand comic injuries...but rain clouds make them prettier
the Phalanx are truly scary as a villain
Gambit loves to throw motorcycles at people
an impassioned defense of the X-Men: Apocalypse movie
Magneto has a good cape
What does any of this mean for Kissi's future? Tune in to find out!
Kissi Frost is an artist, actor, and a lifelong nerd. Having cosplayed since they were fourteen years old, and using Spiderman comics to help practice their English, they've been a comic fanatic for as long as they can remember. Currently, they work as a freelance concept artist, as well as an actor (mainly in the horror scene.) Their favorite comics and cosplays are, of course, the X-Men, with Mystique being their favorite character to portray. They only throw blue babies over waterfalls on weekends, pinky promise.
More of Lodro Rinzler's work can be found here and here and you can follow the podcast on Instagram at xmenpanelsdaily where we post X-Men comic panels...daily. Have a question or comment for a future episode? Reach out at xmenhoroscopes.com
Daniel Kibblesmith: Swingers in Space - Uncanny X-Men 174
Welcome true believers to X-Men Horoscopes where each week our host Lodro Rinzler is in conversation with a special guest to discuss the X-Men issue that aligns with a significant month and year from their life and what that issue reveals about their future.
With us today is the Daniel Kibblesmith, comics writer extraordinaire, fresh from penning a very fun X-Men Hanukkah story entitled "Festival of Fights."
We discuss potentially the horniest X-Men issue ever written - Romances (Uncanny X-Men 174) which matches with his birth month and year...what could this possibly mean about Daniel?
Also in this episode:
Hot Bird likes candy
Kitty Pryde eats latkes in a horrifying way and also reads Star Wars comics
Cyclops and Daniel are both wife guys
Lilandra is a space empress who rules an empire in space and wears a purple swimsuit with matching leg warmers
only one throw punch is thrown in this entire issue, but it is an iconic punch
more arguments about Cyclops' age
Nightcrawler likes to play dress up as a doctor
if you get engaged to someone, you should know whether they can cook or not
...and special guest star Jennifer Wright who weighs in on whether Daniel is a good husband!
Daniel Kibblesmith is an Emmy-nominated TV writer for Netflix Animation, HBO, and The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, and comics writer for Marvel and D.C. comics and others. He is also the author of the children's book Princess Dinosaur and the all-ages humor book, Santa's Husband. He lives in Los Angeles with his beautiful and brilliant wife and daughter. You can follow Daniel on Instagram here.
More of Lodro Rinzler's work can be found here and here and you can follow the podcast on Instagram at xmenpanelsdaily where we post X-Men comic panels...daily. Have a question or comment for a future episode? Reach out at xmenhoroscopes.com
Phillip Sevy: Rogue’s First Hero Moment - Uncanny X-Men 173
Welcome true believers to X-Men Horoscopes where each week our host Lodro Rinzler is in conversation with a special guest to discuss the X-Men issue that aligns with a significant month and year from their life and what that issue reveals about their future.
Amazing comic artist Phillip Sevy joins us this week for a beautiful X-Men Go To Japan issue! That's right, Phillip's birth month and year issue coincides with Uncanny X-Men 173, where, right before he gets married, Wolverine and his sidekick Rogue take on the majority of Japan's underworld to save the X-Men and his bride.
Also in this episode:
we delve into Philips artistic influences
Wolverine is a badass
Phillip’s Claremontian words vs art theory
Lodro thought ninja sais would be more of a thing as an adult
we review the range of comic book injuries from "looking tired" to "blast energy on your chest"
Cyclops is bad at introducing his girlfriends
Lilandra always carries a lightsaber
Storm goes punk
Lockheed isn’t a cat
Wolverine is ready for love
Mastermind is the worst
...and more! What does any of this mean for Phillip's future? Tune in to find out!
Phillip Sevy is an artist who has spent the last few years drawing for Marvel on titles like X-Men (Astonishing, Unlimited, and From the Ashes), Avengers, Venom, Deadpool, and others. They broke into the comics industry through the Top Cow Talent Hunt, where they drew The Tithe and The Freeze, before moving over to Dark Horse for a lengthy run on Tomb Raider. They wrote The House (with artist Drew Zucker), and wrote and drew Triage, Paradox, and Kepler (with David Duchovny). When they’re not feverishly working on comics, you can find them (literally) running around their neighborhood, hiking in the hills, or DMing endless sessions of DnD. You can find more of Phillip on Instagram and Bluesky.
More of Lodro Rinzler's work can be found here and here and you can follow the podcast on Instagram at xmenpanelsdaily where we post X-Men comic panels...daily. Have a question or comment for a future episode? Reach out at xmenhoroscopes.com
Embark on an exciting journey as we unravel the mysteries hidden within the pages of Uncanny X-Men.
Each week our host Lodro Rinzler is in conversation with a special guest to discuss the X-Men issue that aligns with a significant month and year from their life and what that issue reveals about their future.
It is not just a horoscope; it is your mutant destiny decoded!