Ever go on what you thought was a great first date, but now you can't seem to get that new special someone to call you back. We find out what happened with the ...
2nd Date Update Lauren And Grey From Mustang "He Thinks His Phone Might Be Hacked"
Lauren and Grey went out and they thought they would go out again. But for some reason he thinks his phone might be hacked
2nd Date Update Callie And Jason From OKC "Who Should Pay The Bill?"
Callie and Jason from OKC went out, but there was a debate over who should pay the bill. They both had thoughts, but now no 2nd Date? We find out what happened.
2nd Date Update Brock And Carly From OKC "He Knew What He Wanted"
Brock and Carly from OKC went out, date was awesome. But now there's no 2nd Date. What happened to keep them from going out again.
2nd Date Update Genie And Jonathan "Did He Find Something In Her Purse"
Genie and Jonathan went out, and she thought they were going out again. But did he find something in her purse that kept him from going on another date?
2nd Date Update Jenny From OKC And Gabe "He Said It Was The Best Date Ever"
Jenny and Gabe from OKC went out. They seemed to have a good time, Gabe even said it was the best date ever. So why no 2nd Date?
Ever go on what you thought was a great first date, but now you can't seem to get that new special someone to call you back. We find out what happened with the 2nd Date Update