Kate and Laura finally agree on something. Unfortunately, it's to end the podcast. They reminisce about the good parts and talk a bit about what comes next. Drink pairing (Kate): Long Island Ice Tea Drink pairing (Laura): Champagne
Why Would You Use That Product
In this episode, Kate and Laura complain about a lot of stuff they use every day and then wonder why they do that. Drink pairing: Prosecco
The two least consistent people in the world argue about why consistency matters. And why it doesn't. It's pretty much what you'd expect. Drink Pairing: Mulled Wine
Looks Old Works Great
In an episode that should have been called "a cry for help," Kate and Laura shriek about how old things can actually work just fine and please stop changing everything. The subtext is strong with this one. Drink Pairing: Old Fashioned Support the damn podcast on Patreon, you cheap bastards!
High Level UX Jobs
In this episode, Kate and Laura really go off the rails talking about the similarities, differences, and issues with various different higher level UX jobs, many of which they haven't actually held in well over a decade, if at all. Drink Pairing: Daquiri Support the podcast on Patreon!