Hosted by @Regenaisanceman with the mission of reconnecting us back to where our food is grown & exposing everything that is wrong with our broken food system. ...
First Gen Farming & Cheesemaking with Hannah Gongola | Ep #55
Hannah Gongola is a first-generation farmer and cheesemaker. We talked about what made her want to take the path she has taken, including some interesting stories of how her agricultural experiences have impacted her life. This was a fun one speaking with someone from the younger generations, especially given the average age of a farmer is nearly 60 years old.Hannah's IG
Kenan alongside his brother, started Acorn Bluff Farms, where they raised an interesting and hairy breed of pig, Mangalica. We covered what this breed of pig is and why those chose it, the massive problems we face in the pig industry, and how they fit well into the farming ecosystem.Acorn Bluff Farms WebsiteAcorn Bluff Farms IGAcorn Bluff Farms Twitter
Pushing Back To Raw Milk Lies w/ Mark McAfee @ Raw Farm | Ep #53
Mark McAfee of Raw Farm returns to the podcast to talk on what exactly happened that forced him to quarantine the farm and stop production for 6 weeks. We then what makes raw milk such liquid gold.First episode with MarkRaw Farm WebsiteRaw Farm IG
Advocating For Farmers and Ranchers w/ Judith McGeary @ Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance | Ep #52
Judith McGeary is an attorney, activist, sustainable farmer, and executive director of Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance. This episode covered policy and law around agriculture. Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance Website
First Gen Farming w/ Matthew @ Little Way Farm and Homestead | Ep #51
Matthew is a first-generation farmer and homesteader and had the pleasure of talking about his journey and wanting to help others start their own farm/ranch/homestead. This is a great conversation for folks who have a desire to start producing their own food, no matter the size.Matthew's Twitter Which You Should FollowMatthew's Website
Hosted by @Regenaisanceman with the mission of reconnecting us back to where our food is grown & exposing everything that is wrong with our broken food system. We are more disconnected from our food than we ever have been. I sit down with ranchers and farmers to give them a voice and hear their stories, helping paint a picture of what it really looks like to support humanity with food. I also will be talking to others involved in the agriculture space as there is a lot that goes into it all. My hope is that from hearing this podcast you will begin to question what you eat and where from.