Benedictine College is proud to present The Extraordinary Story, a podcast about the life of Christ written and hosted by Tom Hoopes. Jesus Christ, God Himself,...
Today on the extraordinary story, we will walk with Jesus up the hill of Calvary carrying a cross, and ask again, "Why did Jesus have to die?" Paul says he did it to save us from the wrath of God. How is that okay? And then we will see what happens when Jesus takes up the cross of our sin and it knocks him down. Why is it that the Son of God Himself has to walk such a terrible road? And why do we have to take up crosses to follow him?
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The Extraordinary Story is a podcast about the life of Jesus Christ, who entered the maze of our world to transform it into a path to Him, today and always. The Extraordinary Story is produced by Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, and is written and hosted by Tom Hoopes.
Behold the Man; Behold Your King
Today we will hear the famous words of Pontius Pilate as he presented Jesus Christ for his accusers to see. "Ecce Homo," translated to, "Behold, the man." His words tap into the heart of who Jesus Christ is and who we are. As they reach back to the origins of the human race. But we will also hear him say words that reach forward to the very end of the human race. "Ecce Rex Vester," translated to, "Behold, your king." But frankly, it's hard to see a king for the ages in the small town carpenter, crowned with thorns and bleeding from a severe flogging, standing before people who are demanding that he die. Is it delusional to look at this suffering figure and think you are looking at the king of everything?
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The Extraordinary Story is a podcast about the life of Jesus Christ, who entered the maze of our world to transform it into a path to Him, today and always. The Extraordinary Story is produced by Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, and is written and hosted by Tom Hoopes.
The Trials of Jesus, Judas and Peter
We will see Jesus Christ get arrested in this episode, and then we'll follow him as he's tried first by his own people, the Jewish leaders, and then by the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate. We will ask and answer the question, why was Jesus silent before his accusers so often? And what was Pilate's wife's dream? And if Judas is in hell, what might be his greatest regret for all eternity? But most importantly, we will see Jesus reveal more about His kingdom that he came to establish.
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The Extraordinary Story is a podcast about the life of Jesus Christ, who entered the maze of our world to transform it into a path to Him, today and always. The Extraordinary Story is produced by Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, and is written and hosted by Tom Hoopes.
The Agony in the Garden | S4 E12
Jesus continues his epic project of re-edenizing the world, this time in a literal garden, but not the garden of Eden - the Garden of Gethsemane. Gethsemane means "oil press." And we see Jesus here in the Mount of Olives, being crushed like a grape in the fingers of Satan for our sins. We will see what the greatest failure of the apostles was, and how we can make up for it a little, and we will see the remarkable things St. John Paul II and Saint John Henry Newman say about the sufferings of Jesus Christ in his agony in the garden.
The Eucharist and the Kingdom | S4 E11
Today we're going to look at the institution of the Eucharist and the institution of the priesthood and the foundation of the whole sacramental system. Here is where Jesus Christ brings the life of God in eternity and unites it with our lives here in the maze. Here is where God makes us his family, so that we can live in a new way, starting now and lasting forever. Everything that's happened in the story to this point has led up to this moment, and this is what he has spent the last days of Holy Week preparing us for.
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The Extraordinary Story is a podcast about the life of Jesus Christ, who entered the maze of our world to transform it into a path to Him, today and always. The Extraordinary Story is produced by Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, and is written and hosted by Tom Hoopes.
Benedictine College is proud to present The Extraordinary Story, a podcast about the life of Christ written and hosted by Tom Hoopes. Jesus Christ, God Himself, entered the confusing maze that is our world to show us who we are and to give us his cross as a ladder up and out. This is his story and ours.
Benedictine College is transforming culture in America through our mission of community, faith, and scholarship.
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