Welcome to my Podcast, my name is Sally.
My Podcast has episodes on Spirituality, Science, Soul Connections (Twin Flames, Soulmates and Karmic Partners), Psych...
Episode 491: Our Spirit Life Force, Our Soul The Observer, Our Ego The Experiencer
Learn about the Unified Field and Pure Consciousness, what are the three fundamental roles inherent in Consciousness? What is the difference between Absolute Being and Relative Being? What is Prana? What is our spirit and what is its role? What is our soul and what is its role? Why does our soul create our ego? What is our ego and what is its role? How does our soul as the observer learn from our ego’s experiences and evolve?If you enjoy my Podcast and find it helpful, please rate it, follow me, share it, and you can also send me a comment. Thank you for listening.If you want to, you can support me by buying me a coffee at my website, and you can also buy my free eBook “Spirituality and The Connection To Science” at my shop:https://ko-fi.com/sally4652
Episode 490: How To Overcome Our Self-doubt
Learn what are the psychological roots of self-doubt? What role does negative self-talk play in perpetuating self-doubt? How to overcome our self-doubt.If you enjoy my Podcast and find it helpful, please rate it, follow me, share it, and you can also send me a comment. Thank you for listening.If you want to, you can support me by buying me a coffee at my website, and you can also buy my free eBook “Spirituality and The Connection To Science” at my shop:https://ko-fi.com/sally4652
Episode 489: Why The Twin Flame Runner Might Avoid Inner Work And The Effects
Learn how the twin flame runner’s avoidant attachment style developed in childhood, what psychological factors contribute to the twin flame runner’s avoidance of inner work? What are the potential long-term effects of the runner not doing inner work on the twin flame journey? How can the twin flame runner begin to engage in inner work despite their fears?If you enjoy my Podcast and find it helpful, please rate it, follow me, share it, and you can also send me a comment. Thank you for listening.If you want to, you can support me by buying me a coffee at my website, and you can also buy my free eBook “Spirituality and The Connection To Science” at my shop:https://ko-fi.com/sally4652
Episode 488: Soulmates, Twin Flames, Karmic Partners & the Play of Consciousness
Learn about the Unified Field of Pure Consciousness, Lila the play of Consciousness, what are the main differences between soulmates, twin flames and karmic partners? How do these relationships contribute to personal growth and spiritual evolution? Soulmates, twin flames, karmic partners and the play of Consciousness.If you enjoy my Podcast and find it helpful, please rate it, follow me, share it, and you can also send me a comment. Thank you for listening.If you want to, you can support me by buying me a coffee at my website, and you can also buy my free eBook “Spirituality and The Connection To Science” at my shop:https://ko-fi.com/sally4652
Episode 487: The 3 Aspects Of Life: The Objective, Subjective And Transcendental
Learn what is life? Levels of Maharishi Vedic Psychology, what is the purpose of life? Normal life, how to know our true self by transcending, and Cosmic Consciousness. Also refer to Episode 399: How To Practice Transcendental Meditation And The Benefitshttps://open.spotify.com/episode/3nCX2MUB8UuOah5wiwxExq?si=l3CF92ESR9OJualgO7FTrAIf you enjoy my Podcast and find it helpful, please rate it, follow me, share it, and you can also send me a comment. Thank you for listening.If you want to, you can support me by buying me a coffee at my website, and you can also buy my free eBook “Spirituality and The Connection To Science” at my shop:https://ko-fi.com/sally4652
Welcome to my Podcast, my name is Sally.
My Podcast has episodes on Spirituality, Science, Soul Connections (Twin Flames, Soulmates and Karmic Partners), Psychology, Relationships, Well-Being and Meditations, to help us to live our best life.
If you enjoy my Podcast and find it helpful, please rate it, follow me, share it, and you can also send me a comment.
Thank you for listening.
If you want to, you can support me by buying me a coffee, and you can also buy my free eBook “Spirituality and The Connection To Science” at my shop: