152: Zinc for ADHD: The Missing Link with Dana Kay
Did you know that 95% of children with ADHD may be missing one critical nutrient that affects mood, sleep, sensory processing, and picky eating? In this episode of The Soaring Child Podcast, host Dana Kay, ADHD health practitioner and founder of the ADHD Thrive Institute, takes a deep dive into zinc deficiency—a common but often overlooked factor in ADHD symptoms. She explains how low zinc disrupts dopamine, worsens hyperactivity, and even creates a vicious cycle of picky eating by altering taste perception. Dana also breaks down simple ways to check for zinc deficiency, including an easy at-home taste test, and shares the best food sources and supplements to restore zinc balance. Plus, she explains the zinc-copper connection, why high copper levels can lead to more meltdowns, and how to test your child’s zinc levels accurately. If you want to help your child thrive naturally, this episode is packed with actionable insights and science-backed strategies to get started! Links Mentioned in the Show: Episode on Picky Eating & Zinc - https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/podcast/soaring-child-episode-151/ Zinc Cheat Sheet - https://info.adhdthriveinstitute.com/supplement-for-adhd-zinc My Favorite Place to Buy Supplements - http://adhdthriveinstitute.com/supplement Favorite Zinc Supplement – https://shop.adhdthriveinstitute.com/zinc-liquid-15-mg-120-ml.html Supplementation Series Episodes: Magnesium - https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/podcast/soaring-child-episode-93/ Saffron - https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/podcast/soaring-child-episode-136/ GABA - https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/podcast/soaring-child-episode-137/ L-Theanine - https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/podcast/soaring-child-episode-142/ Bio Essentials - https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/podcast/soaring-child-episode-144/ Omegas - https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/podcast/soaring-child-episode-146/ Iron - https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/podcast/soaring-child-episode-148/ Vitamin D - https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/podcast/soaring-child-episode-150/ Zinc Assay Test for Zinc Deficiency – A simple at-home test to check for zinc levels - https://amzn.to/3QEyKoq Zinc Deficiency Chart: Key Takeaways: [0:52] How Zinc Deficiency Affects Mood, Sleep, & Sensory Processing [4:09] The Zinc-Copper Seesaw: Why It Matters [6:04] Signs Your Child May Be Zinc Deficient [9:16] The At-Home Zinc Assay Taste Test [9:59] Best Natural Sources of Zinc [10:49] Recommended Zinc Supplements & Dosage Guidelines [12:39] How to Test Zinc Levels Accurately [12:45] Next Steps for Parents Memorable Moments: "If your child has ADHD, there is a 95% chance they’re missing this critical nutrient—and it could be making symptoms worse." "Zinc affects mood swings, picky eating, sleep, and sensory processing, yet most parents have no idea their child is deficient." "When zinc is low, copper levels rise, burning through dopamine and leading to more hyperactivity, mood swings, and meltdowns." "Low zinc levels are linked to ADHD symptoms, impulsivity, and even sensory issues like difficulty processing sounds and textures." "If your child gets sick more often than others, has white spots on their nails, or struggles with taste sensitivity, zinc deficiency could be the cause." "The Zinc Assay Taste Test is a quick way to check for zinc deficiency—if it tastes like water, your child likely needs more zinc!" "Zinc plays a crucial role in dopamine production, brain function, and emotional regulation—yet most doctors won’t even test for it properly." "Testing zinc plasma, not zinc serum, is the most accurate way to check for a true zinc deficiency." "My favorite zinc supplement is Pure Encapsulations Zinc Liquid—gentle, well-absorbed, and easy to adjust." "I challenge parents to try the at-home zinc test and DM me their results—let’s see just how many kids are actually zinc deficient!" Dana Kay Resources: 🔗WEBSITES: https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/ https://dana-kay.com/ 👋SOCIALS: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ADHDThriveInstitute/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adhdthriveinstitute/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ADHDThriveInstitute LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/adhd-thrive-institute/mycompany/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ph/adhdthriveinstitute/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@adhd_thriveinstitute 📕INTERNATIONAL BEST SELLING BOOK: Thriving with ADHD – https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/book/ 💻FREE MASTERCLASS Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - https://bit.ly/3GAbFQl ⭐COURSES & PROGRAMS ADHD Parenting Course – https://info.adhdthriveinstitute.com/parentingadhd ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program – https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/packages/ Dye-Free for ADHD Course - https://bit.ly/4aFj6TY