Have You Heard of The Room Where It Happened? | Earl McClellan | Passion 2025
Earl McClellan speaks about the Holy Spirit, pleading with us not to neglect the Spirit in our lives but to embrace Him so that we can live out the plans and purposes He has for us. We must not disregard this glorious gift that was given to us to help bring followers of Jesus together for His glory. — VERSES // Acts 1:12-14, Acts 1:3-8, Genesis 1:1-2, Luke 3:15-16, Exodus 31:1-5, John 1:33, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 2:5-7, Acts 2:11-18Subscribe to Passion Conference’s channel to see more messages and videos: / @passionconferences — For key takeaways and discussion questions from this message, plus daily resources for your walk with Jesus, visit https://passionequip.com/ — Check out Passion’s books, music, and more at https://passionresources.com/ — PASSION EXISTS TO SEE A GENERATION LEVERAGE THEIR LIVES FOR WHAT MATTERS MOST. To live in such a way that their journey on earth counts for what is most important in the end. For us at Passion, that’s the fame of the One who rescues and restores and the privilege we have to amplify His name in everything we do. Learn more at https://passionconferences.com — To stay connected to Passion, follow us on Instagram @passion268: / passion268 — ABOUT LOUIE GIGLIOLouie Giglio is the Pastor of Passion City Church and the Founder of the Passion movement, which exists to call a generation to leverage their lives for the fame of Jesus. Louie recently released Seeing God as a Perfect Father, and is also the author of national-bestsellers including Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table, Goliath Must Fall, The Comeback, The Air I Breathe, I Am Not But I Know I Am, Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God & Science, How Great Is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God.—CONNECT WITH LOUIE GIGLIOWebsite: https://www.louiegiglio.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialLouieGiglioInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/louiegiglio/