Episode #0518! Mike interviews Rocco from Mega64 about his introduction to Dragon Ball, figure collecting, Mega64's five-minute live-action DBZ sketches, ssj8 (99 percent sure is real), and more!
Kanzenshuu - The Podcast: Episode #0517
Episode #0517! Mike, Ken, and Ajay review the complete "Dragon Ball Daima" television series! Over these 20 episodes, what new concepts are introduced/reintroduced, what lore conflicts are we still reeling from, how did the art and animation hold up with such a prolonged production timeframe... and did we like it?
Kanzenshuu - The Podcast: Episode #0516
Episode #0516! Mike and Randy chat about the North American Dragon Ball Daima Tour before turning their attention to the first half(?) of Dragon Ball Daima itself. How are we feeling about all the usual stuff like story, pacing, and production values? What hopes do we still have? Stick around for a short Dragon Quest III HD-2D wrap-up chat afterward!
Guest Appearance: Fandom Post Radio Episode 148 - "SPOTLIGHT: Dragon Ball"
This is Fanzenshuu... Okay, that's not a thing. We may not be fusing with Kanzenshuu, but we wished upon the Dragon Balls to summon them for the task of discussing Akira Toriyama's legendary franchise as it hits 40 years strong. Between Toriyama's passing and the first new TV series in 9 years, this year has given us a lot to think about for this big anniversary. Kestrel is joined by Cain, Brandon for the first time in a while, and of course the respective founders of the highly detailed Dragon Ball fan sites that would fuse to become the all-encompassing Kanzenshuu. We cover the franchise as well as Kanzenshuu and its predecessors, and like any good battle in DBZ, it takes way longer than we expect.
Kanzenshuu - The Podcast: Episode #0515
Episode #0515! Mike brings on JP from The Space Above Us podcast to chat about all things space in Dragon Ball! How realistic are the space travel options in the series, and what about other things like intergalactic communications, and even teleportation? What other real-world considerations do we see addressed in-universe?