Storied late-night talk host Craig Ferguson brings his interview talents and singular world view to a discussion of the modern state of JOY, sitting down with n...
Meet John Robert Thompson, an actor whose voice you've definitely heard before! Known for being my good friend Geoff Peterson on the Late Late Show, he's also been featured on Robot Chicken, Howard Stern, Family Guy, and more. EnJOY!See for privacy information.
David Eagleman
Meet David Eagleman - neuroscientist, author, and more. He is best known for his work on sensory substitution, time perception, brain plasticity, synesthesia, and neurolaw and is currently a neuroscientist at Stanford University. He's also a fellow podcaster with his show Inner Cosmos with David Eagleman. I thoroughly enjoyed picking his brain and I hope you enJOY too!See for privacy information.
Paul F. Tompkins
Meet Paul F. Tompkins, comedian, actor, and writer. Those who love comedy know him well - from the podcast Comedy Bang! Bang!, Bojack Horseman, Mr. Show, or Best Week Ever to name a few of many. I had a fantastic time chatting with Paul and I hope you EnJOY!See for privacy information.
Lisa Loeb
First podcast of the new year. I hope you stay. I missed you. And what a coincidence my guest is the lovely Lisa Loeb, a singer-songwriter, musician, author and actress. What can't she do?! EnJOY!See for privacy information.
Kathie Lee Gifford
Originally published August 8th, 2023 On this week’s episode, Craig talks to his friend of many years - Kathie Lee Gifford - an American legend who needs no introduction. Kathie shares the emotionally compelling story of her run-ins with Howard Stern, expresses her love for Craig and Ricky Gervais (her two favorite comedians), and highlights her views on Jesus, faith, and science (along with how each comes together in her everyday life). This is part 1 of a two-part interview - look for part 2 to be released in a future upcoming episode. enJOY!See for privacy information.
Storied late-night talk host Craig Ferguson brings his interview talents and singular world view to a discussion of the modern state of JOY, sitting down with notable guests from the worlds of entertainment, science, government, and more. How's our Joy doing? Bridled? On life support? Where do we find joy in a world that seems by any rational measure to be collapsing around us?