Not all tech products succeed once on the market, and some are killed off with little warning. Flashback looked back at failed tech products to see what we can ...
25: On PC Clones & The End of the Road for IBM’s Personal Computer Business
IBM quickly lost control of the market it had helped create, going from industry-leader to quietly exiting the personal computer business in just a couple of decades.
24: Later IBM PC Models
The first IBM PC kicked off what would be a line of computers that would be sold through the 1980s. This week, Quinn and Stephen hit the high points of this beige wave.
23: IBM's Search for an Operating System
With its PC built, IBM needed to find an operating system that would run on it. Its choice would change the computer industry forever.
22: Building the Personal Computer
The IBM Personal Computer was developed in a shockingly short period of time. This time, Quinn and Stephen discuss the machine's hardware as well as some of the company's earlier attempts at personal computers.
21: The International Business Machines Corporation
This season on Flashback, Quinn and Stephen are covering the rise — and fall — of IBM's PC business, but first: some background on the enormous company that Apple and so many others lived in the shadow of back in the 80s.
Not all tech products succeed once on the market, and some are killed off with little warning. Flashback looked back at failed tech products to see what we can learn by studying their demises. Hosted by Quinn Nelson and Stephen Hackett.