Welcome to "Crime Bit," the podcast hosted by true crime aficionado Danelle Hallan. Join Danelle as she meticulously unravels gripping tales of real-life myster...
The Lauren Landavazo Case Part 2: The Trial, "Insanity" Plea, and Lauren's FOREVER Legacy
This video tells the heartbreaking story of Lauren Landavazo, a vibrant 13-year-old whose life was tragically cut short by a senseless act of violence. We'll explore the devastating events of that fateful day, the chilling confession of her killer, and the profound impact on her family and community. Join us as we remember Lauren, honor her memory, and seek to understand how such a promising young life could be stolen so cruelly. Watch the Youtube version (Sources in the Description) https://youtu.be/9FH0bx_7IvQ Check out my website and submit cases www.danellehallantc.com Follow my socials! facebook.com/danellehallan Instagram.com/danellehallanyt https://www.tiktok.com/@danellehallan
13-Year-Old's Life Cut Short by Obsessed Stalker: The Lauren Landavazo Case | PART 1 The Confession
In this podcast, we are looking into the heartbreaking story of Lauren Landavazo, a vibrant 13-year-old whose life was tragically cut short by a senseless act of violence. We'll explore the devastating events of that fateful day, the chilling confession of her killer, and the profound impact on her family and community. Join us as we remember Lauren, honor her memory, and seek to understand how such a promising young life could be stolen so cruelly. Watch the Youtube version (Sources in the Description) https://youtu.be/zLdT47o6jis Check out my website and submit cases www.danellehallantc.com Follow my socials! facebook.com/danellehallan Instagram.com/danellehallanyt https://www.tiktok.com/@danellehallan
Missing and Vulnerable: The Desperate Search for Diamond and her nephew King
This is the heartbreaking story of Diamond Bynum and her nephew, King Walker, who vanished without a trace in 2015 from Gary, Indiana. Diamond, a young woman with Prader-Willi Syndrome, and two-year-old King disappeared while under the care of their family. Despite extensive searches and numerous leads, their fate remains a mystery. This video delves into the circumstances of their disappearance, the tireless efforts of their family to find them, and the unanswered questions that continue to haunt the community. If you have any information on Diamond or King, please get in touch with the Gary Police Department at 1–800-CRIME-GP (1–800–274–6347) or the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children at 1–800-THE-LOST (1–800–843–5678) Watch the Youtube version (Sources in the Description) https://youtu.be/BpBqZpemSPI Check out my website and submit cases www.danellehallantc.com Follow my socials! facebook.com/danellehallan Instagram.com/danellehallanyt https://www.tiktok.com/@danellehallan
4 Years Later: The Haunting Questions of the Anaqua Springs Case
Four years have passed since the tragic deaths of Nichol Olsen and her two daughters, Alexa Montez and London Bribiescas, in their Anaqua Springs home. The Bexar County Medical Examiner ruled Nichol's death a suicide and her daughters' deaths homicides, but many questions remain unanswered as the Sheriff's Department has yet to close the case. Did Nichol really kill her daughters and then herself? Or was this a triple homicide? Or, perhaps someone killed her daughters, pushing her to end her own life in despair? In this podcast, we delve deep into the Anaqua Springs case, examining the evidence, the conflicting accounts, and the lingering doubts. We explore the troubled relationship between Nichol and her boyfriend, Charlie Wheeler, we also raise questions about the initial investigation and the lack of transparency from the authorities. Join us as we seek justice for Alexa and London and demand answers in this haunting unsolved mystery. AnaquaSprings #UnsolvedMystery #TrueCrime #JusticeForAlexaAndLondon Watch the Youtube version (Sources in the Description) https://youtu.be/gJXMqr1qADw Check out my website and submit cases www.danellehallantc.com Follow my socials! facebook.com/danellehallan Instagram.com/danellehallanyt https://www.tiktok.com/@danellehallan
The Search for Tyler Goodrich: A Community's Unwavering Hope
November 3rd, 2023, 35-year-old Tyler Goodrich vanished without a trace after an argument with his husband. Leaving behind two adopted sons, and a community in shock. Let’s dive into the perplexing details of his disappearance, and explore the events leading up to that fateful night, the extensive search efforts, and the lingering questions that remain unanswered. And most importantly, let's help bring Tyler home. Anyone with information is urged to contact Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office at 402-441-6500 or Crime Stoppers at 402-475-3600. Watch the Youtube version (Sources in the Description) https://youtu.be/_fwZjIJsAG0 Check out my website and submit cases www.danellehallantc.com Follow my socials! facebook.com/danellehallan Instagram.com/danellehallanyt https://www.tiktok.com/@danellehallan
Welcome to "Crime Bit," the podcast hosted by true crime aficionado Danelle Hallan. Join Danelle as she meticulously unravels gripping tales of real-life mysteries, chilling cold cases, and headline-making crimes. Known for her in-depth research and empathetic storytelling, Danelle dives deep into the minds of perpetrators and the lives of victims, shedding light on the darkest corners of human behavior. Whether you're a seasoned true crime enthusiast or new to the genre, "Crime Bit" promises compelling narratives that leave you questioning motives and seeking justice. Tune in as Danelle Hallan guides you through the intricate web of true crime stories, one episode at a time.