Welcome to The Way Through! Where we uncover the barriers preventing you from experiencing yourself and a life that you truly love living -beyond the past, beyo...
On this week's show, Dr. Michael Lennox, esteemed psychologist, astrologer, author, and expert in dreams and dream interpretation. In this episode we explore the impact of our wounding, the lessons embedded within them, and how we can transform our struggles into opportunities for connection, empathy, and collective resilience. Learn more about Dr. Michael Lennox and his work at https://michaellennox.com.
Under Fear's Influence
Is fear running your life? This week, we dive deep into the subtle yet powerful ways fear can influence our choices and lead to self-sabotage, ultimately impacting our sense of worthiness. We'll explore the roots of fear and how it manifests in our daily lives, undermining our self-worth and healing journey ultimately hindering us from reaching our true potential. Learn more at https://www.bonniewirth.ca.
Beyond a Victim
In this enlightening episode, we explore the three distinct states of victimhood and how they manifest in our lives. We explore the thought patterns and behaviors that keep us trapped, while uncovering transformative strategies for transcending them. Join us as we journey from victimhood to empowerment, revealing how embracing resilience, ownership, and proactive choices can lead to a life rich with agency and fulfillment. Learn more at https://www.bonniewirth.ca.
Words of Wisdom with Special Guest Dr. Mal Ryan
Join us for a transformative conversation with Dr. Mal Ryan, an expert in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Functional Medicine. In this episode, we will explore what leads us to stress and burnout, along with the sacred invitations that enable us to self-regulate, and inspiration to cultivate a life that transcends mere survival, leading to true fulfillment. Learn more about Dr. Mal Ryan and her work at https://revereco.ca
What If It's Not You
Have you ever felt scattered, overwhelmed by emotions or negative thoughts that seem random or out of place? What if it’s not really you? Join us as we explore the concept that what we often perceive as our own feelings and experiences might actually stem from the energy around us or inherited beliefs from our ancestors. Tune in to unlock a deeper awareness of yourself and the world around you! Learn more at https://www.bonniewirth.ca.
Welcome to The Way Through! Where we uncover the barriers preventing you from experiencing yourself and a life that you truly love living -beyond the past, beyond the story. In this show we explore the mind, body, spirit connection, through the lens of mediumship, metaphysics and conscious co-creation to overcome the challenges that embody the very essence of our existence and our relationship with life itself. Your host Bonnie Wirth takes you on a transformative journey to discover your inner power and connect with the universal energies that guide us all.
The Way Through aims to unlock the secrets to living a fulfilling life, shedding light on our human condition by addressing the hidden facets that influence our experiences and shape how we view ourselves and the world. Delving into the complexities of our humanity to foster a deep connection between our true selves and our sense of purpose and exploring the depths of the hidden realms, exposing truths beyond the superficial layers of our daily lives and the unseen forces that shape our reality.
Whether you find yourself at a crossroads, feel overwhelmed or uncertain, or if you seek additional inspiration on your journey, consider this your invitation.Together, we will unravel the layers of conditioning to craft a future of unlimited possibilities and unveil the true potential that resides within you, honouring your tender heart and empathic sensitivity. No matter the challenge, There is always A Way Through.