Desperate to find meaning in his life, troubled Matthew Leads takes a job as the caretaker of an Antarctic Research Facility. An atmospheric isolation horror fo...
An original Audio Drama Pilot by Ester Ellis. This was a piece for the 2022 Apollo Creator Showcase. Listen to the other entries and exclusive creator conversations with Ester at the link below. Follow Ester on Twitter @EsterTheEpser for more original audio.
New show, Season 2 status, Apollo Showcase and more (2022 Update)
A Season 2 update, a little about Whale Song, and a Station Blue spinoff show. Follow my new account on twitter @EsterTheEsper to ask questions, and look for The Goblet Wire in your podcatcher of choice! Look out for the Season 2 trailer.
Interlude: Blue Christmas
Faris looks for someone to spend Christmas with. Matthew tells a ghost story. This episode takes place one 10 months before the events of Station Blue at Matthews previous Winter job. Help us raise money for Season 2, join the community and gain access to almost 10 hours of bonus material by pledging at Patreon!
(BONUS) What would Station Blue actually sound like?
(Note: This episode originally dropped between Episode 4 and 5 if you want to listen to the releases chronologically) A non-fiction adventure on Elba Island exploring what Station Blue would actually sound like. Follow the show on Twitter and Instagram @StationBluePod Find transcripts and show details at We’re raising money for the next season! Pledge on Patreon and receive bonus content like behind the scenes episodes at
(BONUS) Halloween Special with 20 Sided Stories
Matthew takes a trip to Kanto Region in this 20 Sided Stories Pokemon! crossover! When Candace, Skip and Xander get lost in the woods its Matthews campfire that they find. But are they prepared to hear the story of Lavender Town Syndrome? 20 Sided Stories is an anthology Actual Play by the Composer of Station Blue. Follow 20 Sided Stories on Twitter @20SidedStories Support 20 Sided Stories at More details at Follow Station Blue on Twitter @StationBluePod Support Station Blue at More details at
Desperate to find meaning in his life, troubled Matthew Leads takes a job as the caretaker of an Antarctic Research Facility. An atmospheric isolation horror following his struggles with mental illness, a broken heart and the suffocating presence of Station Blue.