Celebrity Psychic Laura Michelle Powers explores topics related to angels, spirituality, the psychic realms and the mind-body-spirit connection. Laura features ...
Transforming Your Health Through EMS Tech with Michelle and Gary from Body20
Laura brings Michelle and Gary from Body20 to the show to talk about the health benefits and efficiency of electrical muscle stimulation. BODY20 is a boutique fitness studio that utilizes an FDA-Cleared electro-muscle stimulation suit. In just a 20-minute training session, your coach will put you through a customized 1-on-1 program, giving your body over 150 times more muscle contractions than a conventional workout without the need for traditional gym equipment. Website https://www.body20.com/location/summerlin-southInstagram https://www.instagram.com/body20summerlinsouth/Facebook https://www.facebook.com/body20summerlinsouthTikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@body20summerlinsoEmail [email protected] Powers listeners can get two free sessions, a value of over $200! For more information about Laura and her work you can go to her website www.healingpowers.net or find her on X @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook at @realhealingpowers and @mllelaura, and on Instagram, TikTok and Insight Timer @laurapowers44.
Finding Spiritual Purpose and Community with Sol Founder Nazar Yasin
Nazar Yasin is a mental health advocate and co-founder of Sol - the #1 mental and spiritual health app in the US. He joins Laura to share the story behind the platform and discuss new insights about people's mental health and spiritual health behavior patterns. Nazar has been featured on iHeartRadio and NTD TV. Learn more about the app and join the community at https://getsol.app/.For more information about Laura and her work you can go to her website www.healingpowers.net or find her on X @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook at @realhealingpowers and @mllelaura, and on Instagram, TikTok and Insight Timer @laurapowers44.
Improving Bone Health and Our Energetic Foundations with John Wetzel of OsteoStrong
John Wetzel is the owner of OsteoStrong Las Vegas where he helps people discover the improvements in mobility and strength that can come by focusing on bone health, without a gym or exercise equipment. He is also an active member of the Las Vegas biohacking community. Learn more at https://biohackinglasvegas.com/home and https://www.osteostronglv.com/For more information about Laura and her work you can go to her website www.healingpowers.net or find her on X @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook at @realhealingpowers and @mllelaura, and on Instagram, TikTok and Insight Timer @laurapowers44.
Rising Out of Victimhood with Kevin Carton
Kevin Carton is an inspirational speaker, transformational life coach, and teacher certified by the Brave Thinking Institute, with over a decade of experience empowering people to discover and live their soul’s purpose. Known for his 'old soul' wisdom, Kevin has been compared to a young Bob Proctor, captivating audiences of thousands with his teachings on rewiring the subconscious mind, breaking through limitations, and taking bold action. He’s also the co-host of the popular Science & Spirituality podcast, ranked in the top 1% of all podcasts globally with over 1.3 million downloads and listeners from 113 countries. Learn more at https://kevincarton.com/Kevin's Free Guided Meditation - https://scienceandspirituality.mykajabi.com/metacognition-meditationFor more information about Laura and her work you can go to her website www.healingpowers.net or find her on X @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook at @realhealingpowers and @mllelaura, and on Instagram, TikTok and Insight Timer @laurapowers44.
Creating Your Own Light in Times of Darkness
Laura starts off the year with a reflection on the endings and transitions we will experience in 2025 and shares tips on how to stay empowered during difficult times and create your light in the darkness. With every ending is also a new beginning and there are many energies and archangels to call on to aid and guide you. Manifest Magic Retreat: Craft Your Oracle Deck and More - February 20 to 22Laura's newest class offering is a retreat focused on using your voice, healing the throat chakra, and creating your very own Oracle or other kind of deck! This is going to be a fun, dynamic, and creative retreat! After the retreat, you will have completed deck or be close finishing it with all the tools provided. You can also use the tools provided to create illustrations, a journal, workbook, or other creations. Learn more and sign up at https://www.healingpowers.net/servicesFor more information about Laura and her work you can go to her website www.healingpowers.net or find her on X @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook at @realhealingpowers and @mllelaura, and on Instagram, TikTok and Insight Timer @laurapowers44.
Celebrity Psychic Laura Michelle Powers explores topics related to angels, spirituality, the psychic realms and the mind-body-spirit connection. Laura features world class experts and shares her own knowledge to help others improve their lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually.Laura is a psychic and creative entrepreneur who has been featured by Buzzfeed, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, the CW, Motherboard by Vice Magazine and the #1” Ron Burgundy Podcast” with Will Ferrell. Laura Powers is a clairvoyant, psychic medium, writer, actress, producer, writer, and speaker who helps other receive guidance and communicate with loved ones. Laura travels nationally and internationally for clients, events, television appearances, and speaking engagements. She is also the author of eight books and is constantly learning, exploring, and sharing what her knowledge wit others. You can find more information on Laura at her website healingpowers.net.