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doTERRA you

Podcast doTERRA you
doTERRA Europe
Step up your mindset and essential oil knowledge with the doTERRA you podcast. Tune in and learn from worldclass speakers and experts for inspiration, education...

Episódios Disponíveis

5 de 10
  • Angela Kersten & Oliver Kersten-Petsch: Lead With Authenticity
    Presidential Diamonds Angela Kersten & Oliver Kersten-Petsch share their incredible journey, highlighting how authenticity, disciplined processes, and a strong partnership have fueled their success. From overcoming challenges to staying consistent in their approach, they offer valuable lessons on resilience, personal growth, and building a thriving dōTERRA business. Tune in for inspiration and actionable tips to help you on your own path.
  • Marie-Kim Provencher: Grandissez Avec Une Positivité sans limite
    Rejoignez Amandine Selbonne, Sales Manager France alors qu'elle s'assoit avec Presidential Diamond et mère de cinq enfants, Marie-Kim Provencher, pour un épisode inspirant de dōTERRA yōu. Le parcours de Marie-Kim, depuis ses modestes débuts jusqu’à la création d’une entreprise prospère, est une puissante histoire de résilience, de courage et de détermination.Avec cœur et authenticité, Marie-Kim partage les leçons qu’elle a apprises à travers les hauts et les bas du leadership, son engagement envers la croissance personnelle et la façon dont elle inspire son équipe à rêver grand et à agir. Cette conversation sincère vous donnera le courage et les moyens de diriger avec amour, de bâtir votre marque personnelle et de faire une différence durable.
  • Marie-Kim Provencher: Grow With Relentless Positivity
    Join Creative Manager Ines Amaral as she sits down with Presidential Diamond and mother of five, Marie-Kim Provencher, for an inspiring episode of dōTERRA yōu. Marie-Kim’s journey from humble beginnings to building a thriving business is a powerful story of resilience, courage, and determination.With heart and authenticity, Marie-Kim shares the lessons she’s learned through the highs and lows of leadership, her commitment to personal growth, and how she inspires her team to dream big and take action. This heartfelt conversation will leave you uplifted and empowered to lead with love, build your personal brand, and make a lasting difference.This episode is also available in French.
  • Daniela Huelsen: Sei Ein Leuchtturm
    In dieser Folge von doTERRA you teilt Presidential Diamond Daniela Huelsen ihre Reise des Wachstums und der Transformation mit doTERRA. Daniela erzählt, wie sich aus ihrer Leidenschaft für natürliches Wohlbefinden ein florierendes Unternehmen entwickelte, das von Authentizität und dem Engagement für ein ausgewogenes Leben angetrieben wird. Sie spricht offen über die Bewältigung von Herausforderungen, das Finden von Resilienz und die Einführung von Selbstfürsorgepraktiken, die sie täglich stärken.
  • Daniela Huelsen: Be A Lighthouse
    In this episode of doTERRA you, Presidential Diamond Daniela Huelsen shares her  journey of growth and transformation with doTERRA. Daniela reflects on how her passion for natural wellness blossomed into a thriving business, fueled by authenticity and a commitment to balanced living. She opens up about overcoming challenges, finding resilience, and embracing self-care practices that empower her daily. This episode is also available in German. 

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Sobre doTERRA you

Step up your mindset and essential oil knowledge with the doTERRA you podcast. Tune in and learn from worldclass speakers and experts for inspiration, education, and actionable tips to help you live your best life with doTERRA. 
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Generated: 1/18/2025 - 5:57:11 AM