Shannon and Laura weigh in on a great Listener question before sharing some updates for this awesome podcast, and reflecting on Season 7! We’ve had a season full of amazing guests- some feel like familiar friends now that they’ve made (multiple) return visits! Others have been ‘first-timers’, either way, each and every guest has imparted such deep, powerful and healing insights through conversation. Thank You to all of You. To the wonderful listeners that have sent in questions, stories and feedback- Thank You for asking what others were thinking, sharing stories that inspire and build community, and offering kind words that keep this Pod moving in all the right directions! Wishing each and everyone of you the brightest of blessings for this holiday season- See you all next year (unless you’re part of the Patreon Coven, link is below) we still have one more online Circle to go!!
Support Turns Out She’s a Witch- over on Patreon, click below
I want in!- The Patreon Coven!
Our Season 7 Guest List (in order of appearance)
‘Scottish Folk Magic and the Dead, Cosmology and second sight’, with Scott Richarsdson- Read @ Cailleachs Herbarium
‘Paranormal Investigating’, with Gina Black- She Haunts @ She Haunts
‘Astral Travel and remote viewing’, with Rhiannon from The Spiritual Toolbox @ The Spiritual Toolbox
‘Living Your Magick’, with Stella Morton @ Spirit Space Collective
‘Angel Energy’, with Debbie Malone @ Debbie Malone btw
‘The Way of the Seabhean- an Irish Shamanic Path’, with Amantha Murphy @ Amantha Murphy
‘The Three Worlds’, with Adam Perry @ Adam Perry Art
‘The Witch and the Wildwood’, with Sarah Robinson @ Yoga For Witches
‘Solar Magic & Queen of the Sun Oracle’, with Stacey Demarco @ The Modern Witch
‘Water Priestess’, with Annwyn Avalon @ Annwyn Avalon
‘Healing with Plant Medicine’, with Andrew Edmonds- Temple of the Soul @ andrew.templeofthesoul
‘Elemental Womb Magic and Sacred Service’, with Claire Obeid @ Claire Obeid_
‘Eve’s Archetype, The Flesh and the Fruit’, with Dr. Vanya Leilani @ Dr Vanya Leilani
‘Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression’, with Sara Zourbanos @ clinical hypnotherapy centre
‘Dark Arts and Crafts’, with Tehani @ Dominion Wept
‘Your Soul Had a Dream- Your Life is it’, with Rebecca Campbell @ Rebecca Campbell_author
‘Born Energy and baby Soul communication’, with Lauren Dionysus @ Born_Energy
Of Earth and Ether Oracle
Get in touch, we would love to hear your questions and stories
[email protected]
Follow us, and DM on Instagram @turnsout_shesawitch
Produced & Presented by Shannon Cotterill & Laura Turner.
Post Production & original music by Matt Turner @turnzout_media