This series of shiurim will cover various topics in Tanach in depth. We will offer a combination of the best in modern academic scholarship and literary analysi...
The (Second) Book of Samuel: chapters 10 & 11
Welcome to 2 Samuel, Shmuel part Bet, chapters ten and eleven
Episode 39: Into the Heart of Darkness
Welcome to Shmuel part Bet chapters 10 and 11. Don't worry this is the first of at least 2 sessions we will spend on chapter 11 and the sin of David with Batsheva.
Previously on the book of Shmuel we saw King David launch his first offensive campaigns to much success. David's entire warrior career was kaleidoscoped into a single chapter which stands outside of the chronology of the book. Then we saw David the oathkeeper as he did kindness for the remnant of the house of Shaul and Yehonatan by taking care of Ishboshet.
This time we are transposed back somewhere in the midst of chapter 8, and probably chapter 21 to further explore one of David's wars in detail. This conflagration is a prelude to a much more personal episode with Uriah and Batsheva, which we intend to treat in detail.
Fair warning some material in this chapter may be surprising and perhaps upsetting. We will read the text as straightforwardly as possible to start and return next time for additional explanation and commentary.
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The (Second) Book of Samuel: chapters 8 & 9
The (Second) Book of Samuel: chapters 8& 9
Welcome to 2 Samuel, Shmuel part Bet, chapters eight and nine
Episode 38: David the Conqueror, David oathkeeper
In chapter 8 we kaleidoscope King David's entire military expansion. We see how recent archeological discoveries corroborate details in the text including the kingdom of Edom and King Toi/Tai(ta).
Here is a good map
Chapter 9 we meet David's Rebbi, Mephiboshet and King David keeps his promise to Yehonatan.
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The (Second) Book of Samuel: chapter 7
The (Second) Book of Samuel: chapter 7
Welcome to 2 Samuel, Shmuel part Bet, chapter seven
Episode 37: 天命
In this chapter David makes an unheard of request, to build a permanent home for Hashem. Instead, he gets more than he bargained for, with God promising to build him a home, or rather a dynasty instead. We contrast this with the realia of the history of David's descendants on the throne as well as Tehillim 89.
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The (Second) Book of Samuel: chapter 6b
The (Second) Book of Samuel: chapter 6b
Welcome to 2 Samuel, Shmuel part Bet, chapter vav, part b
Episode 36: Dance Me to the End of Love
We see the gemarah Sotah regarding the sin which triggered the catastrophe with Uzzah, which will confuse us even a bit more
We’ll try to answer what went wrong the first time and right the second
We explain why David was so forceful in his response to Michal and why she was punished the way she was
We offer a suggestion as to what this chapter has to do with Parshat Shmini where it is the haftorah
2 views on Uzzah
The (Second) Book of Samuel: chapter 6a
The (Second) Book of Samuel: chapter 6a
Welcome to 2 Samuel, Shmuel part Bet, chapter vav, part a
Episode 35: Carried Away
After having reached the zenith of his political career King David seeks to synthesize his kingship with Hashem by escorting the Ark (last seen early in Shmuel part Aleph) to his newfound capital, Jerusalem. All seemed to be going well, until tragedy struck. Death leads the disbanding of the cavalcade; David is unsure if his mission is in line with God's intent. After divine blessing is shown the parade resumes.
Later David comes home to bless his wife only to be berated for his behavior. David responds in kind and the chapter ends with a punishment of the last vestige of Shaul's children.
But we are only scratching the surface. Why did the Aron seem to fall? What went wrong the first time and right the second? Who is the mysterious Oved-Edom and why in fact was Uzzah killed?
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Bonus: Loin Girding Instructions (h/t Dr. Charles)
This series of shiurim will cover various topics in Tanach in depth. We will offer a combination of the best in modern academic scholarship and literary analysis along side classic meforshim and Midrashim. I will attempt to include my own interpretations in each series and offer a macro-view of what messages and insights a given portion of Tanach may be conveying.
Bonus points for catching the pop-culture references ;)