Our party’s fight concludes with many people dying and many being saved by the group. Later that night, a strange gift is found on their doorstep.
Campaign 2 | Are You Unseelie?
After a close win in the Dungeon Games, our adventurers spend some of their spoils on new garments for a dinner party they have been invited to by the Queen of the Realm aboard one of her luxury airships. Erro informs one of the party members that he has a thing for one of the ladies in the group and Thurzar has a hard time staying upright through his drunken stupor.
Campaign 2 | The Dungeon Games Part 2
Our adventures compete in the Dungeons Games!
Campaign 2 | The Dungeon Games Part 1
Our adventures compete in the Dungeons Games!
Campaign 2 | Beach Day
Our party gets themselves situated before taking on the Dungeon Games. Mak joins the House of the Pale Fox and receives a few gifts that she is reluctant to use.