Save for Half is a podcast about Old School Games and the modern role playing games inspired by them. Join DM Mike, DM Liz, DM Corbett, and DM Jim as they discu...
This episode we celebrate 2025 by looking back…to 1979? That’s right, author, game designer, and all around excellent person Pauli Kidd has released her first setting and megadungeon for those wishing a taste of Old School goodness. We discuss the location, the wilderness encounter areas, and the interesting NPCs….and kill them. Not really, but it […]
Found in the Ruins episode 8: Smackdown—Dawn vs. Dawn
It’s a new dawn….of the dead? This time the Dyspeptic Duo of Boom Mike and Doc Benny talk the second movie smackdown of the show; Romero’s Dawn of the Dead (1978) versus Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead (2004)! Thrills, chills, shuttle buses and pies thrown at zombies abound in this episode of Found in […]
Episode 58.5: White Box Cyclopedia Kickstarter
What’s this? Not just another retro-clone, the White Box Cyclopedia takes an innovative path that moves the White Box to new heights of simplicity and adventure! Coming to a Kickstarter near you, the Fab 4 Halflings talk with the author James Spahn about his ideas, his development of the game, and most importantly…why are there […]
Found in the Ruins episode 7: “Medic!”
If you’re stuck on Band Aid brand, cuz Band Aid’s stuck on you…then you’ll enjoy this episode of Found in the Ruins! Boom Mike and Doc Benny are joined again by Doc Jared for some discussions on medical treatment in the Post-Apoc, both how it’s portrayed and ‘reality’ for what it’s worth. Come for the […]
Episode 58: Shadowdark RPG by Kelsey Dionne
Living up to our “modern games inspired by them” tag line, we’re covering a relatively new kid on the block (???) of the RPG scene, the Shadowdark game by Kelsey Dionne. This award winning RPG took Kickstarter by storm and marries Old School mindsets with New School mechanics to reach a level that even DM […]
Save for Half is a podcast about Old School Games and the modern role playing games inspired by them. Join DM Mike, DM Liz, DM Corbett, and DM Jim as they discuss and review all the RPGs that made the 70s and 80s great, as well as their modern descendants and supplements.