Priscilla Talk, a conversation to help women thrive in the local church.Why Priscilla Talk? Priscilla encouraged others to know the way of God more accurately a...
Suffering and the Pastor's Wife, with Carrie Kell (Ep. 49)
In this episode of Priscilla Talk, Keri Folmar, Erin Wheeler and Jenny Manley talk with pastor’s wife, Carrie Kell, about the very real and difficult struggles of undergoing suffering while maintaining the visible role of being a pastor’s wife.Listen to Garrett Kell's reflections on Counseling TalkThe Kells' Story Part 1 (Counseling Talk, Episode 5)The Kells' Story Part 2 (Counseling Talk, Episode 6)Subscribe to our new podcast, A Storm in the Desert.
Parenting Pastors' Kids, with Deana Menikoff (Ep. 48)
In this episode of Priscilla Talk, Keri Folmar, Erin Wheeler, and Jenny Manley talk with Deana Menikoff about the gifts and challenges of raising ministry kids. Packed with wisdom and concrete practical advice, Deana paints a beautiful picture of what it looks like to raise kids to the glory of God in a ministry family.Subscribe to our new podcast, A Storm in the Desert.
Building Healthy Ministry Marriages (Ep. 47)
With over 50 plus years of combined ministry experience, Keri Folmar, Erin Wheeler and Jenny Manley discuss the joys and sorrows of ministering together with our spouses in this episode of Priscilla Talk.Subscribe to our new podcast, A Storm in the Desert.
What Is a Pastor's Wife? (Ep. 46)
In this episode of Priscilla Talk, Keri Folmar, Erin Wheeler, and Jenny Manley introduce the new series on Pastors Wives. They discuss the elusive and often misunderstood role of the pastor's wife, highlighting some of the upcoming topics they will be covering in this new series.
Driving Women’s Roots Deeper with Theological Training in the Local Church, with Sean DeMars (Ep. 45)
In this episode of Priscilla Talk, Keri Folmar, Erin Wheeler, and Jenny Manley interview Sean DeMars, pastor of 6th Avenue Community Church, about theological training in the local church.
Priscilla Talk, a conversation to help women thrive in the local church.Why Priscilla Talk? Priscilla encouraged others to know the way of God more accurately and partnered with her husband and the apostle Paul to build up local churches and spread the gospel to the nations. We want to emulate her and encourage you to do the same.