State of the Deck : Burn - I've Got ?????'s, A Premodern Podcast
Joined today by Lanny and Chris to discuss Burn.
State of the Deck : Mono Blue Tide - I've Got ?????'s, A Premodern Podcast
Today we are joined by Andy Levine to talk all things tide in the current meta. If ya need even more check out this awesome primer on Spike Colony!
State of the Deck : Enchantress - I've Got ?????'s, A Premodern Podcast
Sharing an Amazing Time /With Shared Discovery Crew- I've Got ?????'s, A Premodern Podcast
Today we sit down with the amazing team of the Shared Discovery Podcast. Gabe, Travis and Steve walk us through crazy deck idea, how the podcast started and so much more. If your interested in checking them out, which you should, Search up Shared Discovery in all your podcasting apps!
State of the Deck : Roc-Sur- I've Got ?????'s, A Premodern Podcast
We sit with Phil Stolze, the recent innovovater of Roc Sur to go over where the deck is and the onnovations lurking in the shadow.